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1. Adopted Budget — The City Manager presents a budget to the City <br />Council. The budget provides a complete financial plan for the ensuing fiscal <br />year, and shall contain a budget message explaining the budget, containing an <br />outline of the adopted financial policies of the City for the ensuing fiscal year, <br />setting forth the reasons for salient changes from the previous fiscal year in <br />expenditure and revenue items, and explaining any major changes in financial <br />policy. <br />a) The budget should include four basic segments for review and evaluation. <br />These segments are: (1) actual revenue and expenditure amounts for the <br />last completed fiscal year, (2) original revenue and expenditure amounts <br />budgeted for the current fiscal year, (3) revenue and expenditure amounts <br />estimated for the current fiscal year, and (4) revenue and expenditure <br />amounts for the ensuing fiscal year. <br />b) The City Manager, not less than 30 days prior to the time the City Council <br />makes its tax levy for the current fiscal year, shall file with the City Clerk <br />the adopted budget. <br />2. Adoption — The City Council shall call and publicize a public hearing to <br />allow for citizen participation. The City Council will subsequently adopt by <br />Ordinance such budget, as it may have been amended, as the City's annual budget <br />effective for the fiscal year beginning October 1St. The budget should be adopted <br />by the City Council no later than the expiration of the fiscal year. <br />C. Balanced Budget — The operating budget will be balanced with current revenues, <br />which may include beginning fund balances less required reserves as established by City <br />Council, greater than or equal to current expenditures. <br />D. Planning — The budget process will be coordinated so as to identify major policy <br />and financial issues for City Council consideration several months prior to the budget <br />adoption date. This will allow adequate time for appropriate decisions and analysis of <br />financial impacts. <br />E. Reporting — Financial reports will be made available to Department Directors to <br />manage their budgets and to enable the Director of Finance to monitor the overall budget. <br />The Director of Finance will present summary financial and budgetary reports to the City <br />Council to disclose the overall budget and financial condition of the City. The financial <br />and budgetary reports will include comparisons of actual to budget, actual to prior year, <br />appropriate ratios, and graphs to ensure full disclosure and present meaningful <br />information. <br />F. Control and Accountability — Department Directors will be responsible to ensure <br />that their department budgets will not exceed budgeted amounts. Department Directors <br />will be responsible to ensure revenues generated by activities of their departments meet <br />budgeted amounts. <br />