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SECTION 2. The tabulation of votes cast in the election held on November 6, 2012 for <br />the purposes stated in Recital 1 above, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of this <br />ordinance, is adopted as the official tabulation of the votes cast at the election, and the tabulation <br />will be filed and recorded in the official records of the City of San Marcos as the official canvass <br />of the election. <br />SECTION 3. The official canvass of the returns of the election reflects the following: <br />For the position of Mayor the following votes were cast: <br />Daniel Guerrero 8,438 <br />Thom Prentice 1,653 <br />For the position of Council Member For Place 5 the following votes were cast: <br />Ryan Thomason 6,627 <br />Melissa Derrick (write in) 1,581 <br />For the position of Council Member For Place 6 the following votes were cast: <br />Shane Scott 5,460 <br />Greg Frank 3,752 <br />2 <br />