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PROPOSITION NO. 2 <br />FOR /AGAINST The amendment of Section 7.01 of the City Charter (Planning and <br />Zoning Commission) to require the city council to prescribe, by <br />ordinance, for a broad and diverse membership on the planning <br />and zoning commission with geographical, professional, gender, <br />racial, and viewpoint diversity. <br />PROPOSITION NO. 3 <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 7.01 of the City Charter (Planning and <br />Zoning Commission) to eliminate the extraterritorial jurisdiction <br />member position and replace that position with a qualified city <br />resident member effective on March 1, 2015. <br />PROPOSITION NO. 4 <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 7.01 of the City Charter (Planning and <br />Zoning Commission) to provide that the educational requirements <br />to be met by persons appointed to the planning and zoning <br />commission can be satisfied after appointment. <br />PROPOSITION NO. 5 <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 7.02 of the City Charter (Powers and <br />duties of the Planning and Zoning Commission) to require the <br />commission to recommend updates to the entire master plan <br />document every five years instead of every ten years. <br />PROPOSITION NO. 6 <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Sections 7.02 and 7.03 of the City Charter to <br />replace all references to the city's "master plan" with the term <br />"comprehensive plan." <br />PROPOSITION NO. 7 <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 1.02 (Form of Government) to require <br />the city council to exercise its powers in an open and transparent <br />manner. <br />PROPOSITION NO. 8 <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 1.03 of the City Charter (Statement of <br />Goals) to list the following characteristics of a high quality of life <br />2 <br />