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<br /> 54 <br /> ORDINANCE 1986-33 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />J\'1ARCOS, TEXAS, AMENDIJ\1G SECTIONS 29-123 AND 29-152 OF <br />'THE SAN I\1ARCOS CODE OF ORDINAJ\lCES TO CRFATE A NO <br />PARKING/'IaV-A'AJAY ZONE ON GIRARD STREET BETWEEN HAZELTON <br />AND EARLE STREETS, AND DECLARING AN FFFECTIVE DATE. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY 'THE CITY COUNCI L OF 'IRE CITY OF SAN ~.1ARCOS, TEXAS: <br />SECTION 1. That Section 29-123 of the San Marcos Code of <br />Ordinances is amended to add the following location in proper <br />alphabetical sequence at which no person shall park a vehicle when <br />signs are erected giving notice: <br />Girard Street, west side, between Hazelton and Farle Streets. <br />SECTION 2. That Section 29-152(c) of the San Marcos Code of <br />Ordinances is arÅ“nded to add the following location in proper <br />alphabetical sequence which is designated as a tow-away zone: <br />Girard Street, west side, between Hazelton and Earle Streets. <br />SECTION 3. That this Ordinance shall be in effect ten (10) days <br />from and after its passage, and it shall be published in a newspaper of <br />general circulation in the area as required by the Charter of the City <br />of San Marcos, Texas. <br />PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading March 10, 1986. <br />PASSED AND APPROVID on second reading March 24, 1986. <br />PASSED, APPROVED AND AJX)PTED A~1986' <br /> J E. Yo~, <br /> .ayor <br />ëp~gr~ "-- <br />Janis K. v:Qmack <br />Secretary ~ <br /> ~ <br />Lamar W. Hankins <br />Ci ty Attorney <br />Published in the SAN MARCOS NEWS April 17, 1986. <br />