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<br />16 <br /> <br /> <br />~ ORDINANCE 1986-89 <br />('J <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />J!vlARCOS, TEXAS, NJNEXING TO SAID CITY 14.14 ACRES OF LAND, <br />MORE OR LESS, OUT OF THE T.H. v'J. FORSY'IH SURVEY, BEING A <br />I{m.TION OF THAT 23.92 ACRE TRACT COJ\TVEYED TO 1dILLIAM A. <br />1iVYAIT BY L. SUMNER 11JhINSFND, ET UX, BY DEED DATED ~1AY <br />17, 1922, AND RECORDED IN VOLmm 83, PAGE 309, HAYS <br />COUNTY DEED RECORDS, SAID LAND BEING LOCATED \i\1ITHIN 'IRE <br />EXTRATERRI'illRIAL JURISDICTION OF SAID CITY AND LYING <br />ADJACENT 'ill PRESENT CITY POUNDARIES; APPRO\1ING A SERVICE <br />PLAN FOR SAID TRACT; EXTENDING THE POUNDARY LIMITS OF <br />SAID CITY ffi AS 'ill INCLUDE SAID TRACT; GRANTING 10 THE <br />INHABITANTS OF SAID TRACT ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES <br />OF OTHER CITIZENS OF SAID CITY; BnJOING SAID INHABITANTS <br />BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS <br />OF SAID CITY; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br /> <br />VilHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Marcos, Texas, <br />provided an op[Drtuni ty for all interested persons to be heard at two <br />(2) public hearings, held on June 9, 1986, and June 10, 1986 , to <br />consider the proposed annexation by the City of San Marcos, <br />Texas, of 14.14 acres of land, more or less, out of the T.H. ~II]. <br />Forsyth Survey, and being a portion of that 23.92 acre tract conveyed <br />to ~^Jilliam A. Wyatt by L. SlITOI1er Tbwnsend, et ux, by deed dated May 17, <br />1922, and recorded in Volume 83, page 309, Hays County Deed Records, <br />and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: <br /> <br />Beginning at the North corner of the said Wyatt 23.92 acre <br />tract, same being a \!\esterly corner of that 20.57 acre tract <br />conveyed to Ben H. Festervan, et ux, by Ibzier H. (Men, et ux, <br />by deed dated July 16, 1966, and recorded in Volume 212, Page <br />587, Hays County Deed Records, for the North corner of the tract <br />herein described; <br /> <br />THENCE, with the S:>uthwest line of the said Festervan 20.57 acre <br />tract, same being the Northeast line of the said Wyatt 23.92 <br />acre tract the following calls mnnbered ( 1) through (5): <br /> <br />(1) S 44° 38' 07" E, 477.46 feet; <br />(2) S 44°31' 26" E, 213.52 feet; <br />(3) S 44° 49' 23" E, 332.32 feet; <br />(4) S 44°19' 33" E, 121.20 feet; <br />(5) S 46° 08' 51" E, 76.81 feet to the Fast corner of the <br />tract herein described; <br /> <br />THENCE, leaving the said Festervan 20.57 acre tract, S 42°27' <br />12" W, 223.14 feet to a Northeast line of the corporate limits <br />of the City of San Marcos as annexed by Ordinance No. 1973-4, <br />for the South corner of the tract herein described; <br /> <br />THENCE, with the line of the said San Marcos City Limits, the <br />following calls numbered (6) and (7): <br /> <br />(6) S 80° 07' 00" E, 3-21.38 feet to the POINT OF CURVA'IURE of a <br />curve to the right; <br />(7) 788.23 feet along the arc of the said curve to the right, <br />said curve having a radius of 3470.20 and a chord which <br />bears, N 73° 36' 34" W, 786.54 feet to the Northwest line <br />of the aforementioned Wyatt 23.92 acre tract, for the \!\est <br />corner of the tract herein described; <br /> <br />THENCE, leaving the said San l\1arcos City Limits, with the <br />Northwest line of said Wyatt 23.92 acre tract, same being a <br />Northeasterly line of that 56.70 acre tract conveyed to the <br />Hughson Meat Company, Incorporated, by Cecil Hughson by deed <br />dated January 1, 1970, and recorded in Volume 236, page 228, the <br />following calls numbered (8) through (11): <br /> <br />(8) N 2lf 00' 21 "E, 66.82 feet to a fence post; <br />(9) N 25' 14' 42" E, 254.25 feet to a fence post; <br />(10) N 25' 55' 15" E, 243.75 feet to a fence post; <br />(11) N 25'37' 57" E, 272.75 feet to the roINTOF BEGINNING <br />containing 14.14 acres of land, more or less, Field Notes <br />Description prepared March 19,1986 from surveys by David L. <br />williamson R.P.S. No. 4190, as revised January 12, 1984. <br />