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<br /> 17 <br /> ORDINANCE 1986-90 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br /> ~~ARCOS, TEXAS, ANN EXI NG 10 SAID CITY A TRACT OF LAND <br /> CONTAINING 141. 95 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, OF LAND AREA IN <br /> THE J .~J . VERAI'~ENDI LEAGUE NO. 1, A-17, AND THE IN''lES <br /> CURTI S SURVEY, A-3, BEne IN HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND <br /> BEING ALL OF THAT 136.80 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN <br /> A DEED FROM ABE GOREN, TRUSTEE 10 PETER A. IJV\1YER, TRUSTEE <br /> DATED JUNE 8,1984 AND REX:DRDED IN VOLUME 444, PAGE <br /> 602 OF THE HAYS COUJ\ITY DEED RECORDS AND ALL OF THAT <br /> 5.00 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED FROM. BILLY TOM <br /> SANDERS, ET UX, TO PETER A. a-vYER, TRUSTEE DATED APRIL 10, <br /> 1984 AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 431, PAGE 698 OF THE HAYS <br /> COUNTY DEED RECORDS, SAID LAND BEING LOCATED WITHIN THE <br /> EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF SAID CITY AND LYING <br /> ADJACENT TO PRESENT CITY EOUNDARIES; APPROVI}\fG A SERVICE <br /> PLAN FDR SAID TRACT; EXTENDING THE EOUNDARY LIMITS OF <br /> SAID CITY so AS TO INCUJDE SAID TRACT; GRANTING 10 THE <br /> INHABITANTS OF SAID TRACT ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES <br /> OF OTHER CITIZENS OF SAID CITY; BINDING SAID INHABITANTS <br /> BY ALL OF THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES, RULES MID REGULATIONS <br /> OF SAID CITY AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> ~'I1HEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Marcos, Texas, <br /> provided an opportunity for all interested persons to be heard at two <br /> (2) public hearings, held on June 9, 1986 , and June 10, 1986, <br /> to consider the proposed annexation by the Ci ty of San Marcos, Texas, <br /> of 141.95 acres more or less, of land area in the J .M. VerarÅ“ndi <br /> League No. 1, A~17, and the James CUrtis Survey, A-3, be ing in Hays <br /> County, Texas, and being all of that 136.80 acre tract of land <br /> described in a deed from Abe Goren, Trustee to Peter A. IMyer, <br /> Trustee dated June 8, 1984 and recorded in Volume 444, Page 602 of the <br /> Hays County Deed Records and all of that 5.00 acre tract <br /> described in a deed from Billy Tbm Sanders, et ux, to Peter A. <br /> D.\'Yer, Trustee, dated April 10, 1984 and recorded in Volume 431, Page <br /> 698 of the Hays County Deed Records, and being more particularly <br /> described by metes and bounds as follows: <br /> BEGINNING at a fence corner post for the south corner of the <br /> above referenced IklYer 136.80 acre tract, sarÅ“ being the west <br /> corner of that 319.6445 acre tract of land described in a deed <br /> from Theodora Scrutchin, et alius, to Jim R. 3nith dated July <br /> 31, 1979 and recorded in Volume 330, Page 61 of the Hays County <br /> Deed Records, in the northeast line of F.~.1. Highway No. 621: <br /> THENCE leaving the PLACE OF BEGINNING and the Smith tract with <br /> the commonline of F.M. Highway No. 621 and the D.'lYer 136.80 acre <br /> tract and the Thvyer 5.00 acre tract, the following four courses: <br /> 1. N46° 08' 17"~v 1552.96 feet to a concrete highway monument <br /> found at the beginning of a right-breaking curve, <br /> 2. With said right-breaking curve having the following <br /> 0 - <br /> characteristics: central angle = 25 56'24", radius = <br /> 676.29 feet, arc length = 306.28 feet, and a chord which <br /> bears N33° 14' 19"W 303.57 feet to a concrete highway <br /> monurnent, <br /> 3. N20020'44"vv 85.87 feet to a concrete highway monument at <br /> the beginning of a left-breaking curve, and <br /> 4. With said left-breaking curve having the following <br /> characteristics: central ang Ie = 060 - 13' 39", radius = <br /> 1197.66 feet, arc length = 130.17 feet, and a chord which <br /> bears N23 0 27' 03"W 130.11 feet to a point inside of a <br /> uitlity pole, for the west corner of the Dwyer 5.00 acre <br /> tract and the south corner of that tract described as <br /> 57.67 acres in a deed fram S.R. Willcockson, et alius to <br /> Peter A. D:"'Yer, trustee dated October 11, 1983 and <br /> recorded in Volume 404, Page 317 of the Hays County Deed <br /> Records, pass at approximately 399.03 feet along the arc <br /> length, the common corner of the Dwyer 136.80 acre tract <br /> and the Dwyer 5.00 acre tract; <br /> THENCE leaving F.M. 621 with the commonline of the IklYer 57.67 <br /> acre tract and the Thvyer 5.00 acre tract the following four <br /> courses: <br />