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made a part of this ordinance as Exhibit "A," is adopted as the official tabulation of the votes <br />cast at the election, and the tabulation will be filed and recorded in the official records of the City <br />of San Marcos as the official canvass of the election. <br />SECTION 3. The official canvass of the returns of the election reflects the following: <br />A. For the City Council Place 1: <br />Lisa Prewitt 105 <br />Bill Taylor 534 <br />B. For City Council Place 2: <br />Thom Prentice 247 <br />Jude Prather 15422 <br />Mason Murphy 398 <br />C. The following votes were cast for and against the following numbered propositions: <br />PROPOSITION NO. 1 <br />The amendment of Section 7.01(b) of the City Charter (Planning and Zoning <br />Commission) to allow the city council to appoint two commissioners who do not own <br />real property in the city at the time of appointment. <br />2 <br />