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<br />100 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE 1985-110 <br /> <br />~ AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF SAN <br />~ MARCOS, TEXAS, AMENDING SErTION 3 OF 'IHAT ORDINANCE <br />tX WHICH RffiULATES AND RES'IRICTS TIlE IOCATION AND USE OF <br />ß.JIillINGS, S'IRUC'IURES AND LAND, DATED JUNE 13, 1984 <br />(VOL. 66) BY ZONING 2.19 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR <br />LESS, OUT OF TIlE ROBERT CLEVER 9JRVEY, A-92, HAYS <br />COUN'IY, TEXAS, BEING A FORTION OF 'IHAT TRACT OF LAND <br />DESCRIBED IN A DEED FRaM ORIN A. HARRYMAN 'ill C.C. <br />HUGHSJN DATED NOVEMBER 3, 1950 AND RECORDED IN VOLUME <br />148, PN;E 139, OF 'IRE HAYS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, IOCATED <br />IN AN AREA NORTIlEAST OF HUGHs)N HEIGHTS ADDITION NO. 2 <br />IN SAID CITY AND AT TIlE FU'IURE INTERSErTION OF NORTIl LBJ <br />( EXTENDED) AND LBJ ( EXTENDED) IN TIlE PROFOSED HUGHSJN <br />HEIGHTS ADDITION NUMBER TIlREE, FROM "PD" (PRE-DEVEWPMENT <br />DIS'IRICT) 'ill "c" (COMMERCIAL DIS'IRICT) i AMENDING TIlE <br />FU'IURE LAND USE PLAN (MAP) OF 'IRE MASTER PIA'\J OF SAID CITY <br />AND DErLARING AN EFFErTIVE DATE. <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS: <br /> <br />SErTION 1. That the following described tract of real property <br />loca ted in San Marcos, Hays County, Texas, which was classi fied "PD" <br />(Pre-~velopment District) upon its annexation to the City of San <br />Marcos on January 9, 1984, henceforth shall be zoned as "c" <br />(Commercial District). <br /> <br />BEING 2.19 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS OF TIlE ROBERT CLEVER <br />9JRVEY, A-92, HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING A FORTI ON aF 'IHAT TRACT <br />OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED FROM ORIN A. HARRYMAN <br />'ill C.C. HUGHSJN DATED NOVEMBER 3, 1950 AND RECORDED IN VOLUME <br />148, PN;E 139, HAYS COUN'IY DEED RECORDS, AND BEING MORE <br />PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND roUNDS COMPUTED <br />FROM PUBLIC RECORDS AS FOLIDWS, 'ill-WIT: <br /> <br />BEGINNING at the North corner of the said Clever SUrvey, the <br />VJest corner of the John-Berry SUrvey, A-64 on the Southeast line <br />of the T.H.W. Forsith, SUrvey, A -173, all as fenced and used on <br />the ground, for the North corner of the tract herein described, <br />same being on the Southwest line of the proposed extension of <br />the North L.B.J. Drive 75 foot Right-of-Way, and from which the <br />most Northerly corner of Hughson Heights Addition No.2, a <br />subd.ivision of record in fbok 2, Page 171, Hays County Plat <br />Records, bears S 45°06' 08" W, 1317.18 feet; <br /> <br />TIlENCE, with the Southwest line of the said proposed extension <br />of North L.B.J. Drive 75 foot Right-of-Way the said Clever/Berry <br />SUrvey line as fenced and used upon the ground, the following <br />courses numbered (1) through (3): <br /> <br />(1) S 46°49' 55" E, 312.52 feet; <br />(2) S 46°12' 18" E, 232.01 feet; <br />(3) S 46°13' 29" E, 145.74 feet to the East corner of the <br />tract herein described, same being at the intersection of the <br />Southwest line of the said proposed extension of the North <br />L.B.J. Drive 75 foot Right-of-Way, with the Southeast line of <br />the proposed extension of L.B. Johnson Drive as shown by the <br />said plat of the Hughson Heights Addition No.2; <br /> <br />TIlENCE, leaving the said Clever/Berry SUrvey line, as fenced and <br />used upon the ground, and the Southwest line of the said <br />proposed extension of the North L.B.J. Drive 75 foot <br />Right-of-Way, with the Southeast line of the said proposed <br />extension of L.B. Johnson Drive, S45°06' 08" W, 137.26 feet, to <br />the South corner of the tract herein described; <br /> <br />'IRENCE, leaving the said proposed extension of L. B. Johnson <br />Drive, N 46°31' 07" W, 690.27 feet, to the \\est corner of the <br />tract herein described, same being on the common line between <br />the aforementioned Forsith SUrvey and the said Clever SUrvey, as <br />fenced and used upon the ground; <br /> <br />TIlENCE, with the said Forsith/Clever SUrvey line, as fenced and <br />used up:m the ground, N 45° 06' 08" E, 137.56 feet to the Point <br />of Beginning, containing 2.19 acres of land, more or less. <br />Field Note ~scription prepared from computations and public <br />records on August 5,1985, by Kelly Kilber, Registered Public <br />SUrveyor, #2219, and said tract being located in an area <br />