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<br /> 22 <br /> ORDINANCE 1985-l22 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF 'lliE CITY COUNCI L OF 'lliE CITY OF SAN <br /> MARCOS, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 3 OF THAT ORDINANCE WHICH <br /> REGULATES AND RESTRICTS 'lliE LOCA1'ION AND USE OF BJILDINGS, <br /> STRUC'IURES AND LAND, DATED JUNE 13,1984 (VOL. 66) BY <br /> CHANGING 'lliE ZONING OF 0.44 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, OF LAND <br /> IN THE T.,J. CHAMBERS SJRVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 2, SAN <br /> MARCOS, HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING A roRTION OF THAT TRACT <br /> DESCRIBED AS 8.81 ACRES IN A DEED FROM OSCAR MOELLER ET UX <br /> 'ill BENGE ELLIOTT ET UX DATED FEBRUARY 11, 1956 AND <br /> RECORDED IN VOWME 167, PAGE 209 OF THE HAYS mUNTY DEED <br /> RECORDS, BEING ALSJ A roRTION OF LOT NUMBER 16 OF 'lliE <br /> BLANK EN SH I P AND CARRU'lliERS ADDITION AS RECORDED IN VOLUME <br /> 56, PAGE 460 OF 'lliE HAYS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, A/K/A 901-A <br /> RANCH ROAD 12, FROM "R-l" (SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLI NG <br /> DISTRICT) 10 "OP" (OFFICE PROFESSIONAL DISTRICT); AMENDING <br /> THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN (MAP) OF THE MASTER PLAN OF SAID <br /> CITY AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY 'lliE CITY mUNCI L OF 'IRE CITY OF SAN 1I1ARCOS, TEXAS: <br /> SECTION 1. That the following described tract of real property <br /> located in San Marcos, Hays County, Texas, which is presently zoned <br /> "R-l" (Single-Family Dwelling District) henceforth shall be rezoned <br /> "OP" (Office Professional District): <br /> 0.44 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, OF LAND IN 'IRE T.J. CHAMBERS <br /> SJRVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 2, SAN MARCOS, HAY S COUNTY, TEXAS, <br /> BEING A roRTION OF THAT TRACT DESCRIBED AS 8.81 ACRES IN A DEED <br /> FROM OSCAR MOELLER ET UX 10 BENGE ELLIOTT ET UX DATED <br /> FEBRUARY 11, 1956 AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 167, PAGE 209 OF <br /> THE HAYS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, BEING ALSJ A IDRTION OF LOT <br /> NUMBER 16 OF 'IRE BLANKENSHIP AND CARRUTHERS ADDITION AS <br /> RECORDED IN VOLUME 56, PAGE 460 OF THE HAYS COUNTY DEED <br /> RECORDS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND <br /> rouNDS AS FDLIDW: <br /> BEGINNING at a point in the southwest line of Ranch Road No. 12 <br /> for the east corner of the aforereferenced Elliott tract and <br /> this tract and for the north corner of Lot 5, Block 2 of the <br /> Camp Addition as recorded in Volume 51, Page 299 of the Hays <br /> County Deed Records; <br /> 'IRENCE leaving Ranch Road No. 12 and the PLACE OF BEGINNING with <br /> the common line of the Elliott tract and Lot 5, Block 2 of Camp <br /> Addition S 43° 47' 14" W 90.69 feet to a point for angle point <br /> in the southeast line of this tract, for the west corner of Lot <br /> 5, Block 2 of Camp Addition, for the northeast corner of Lot 16 <br /> of the Blankenship and Carruthers Addition, and for the north <br /> corner of Lot 15 of said addition; <br /> THENCE leaving Camp Addition with the common line of Ints 15 and <br /> 16 of the Blankenship and Carruthers Addition S 27 °29' OO"W <br /> 63.48 feet to a point for the south corner of this tract; <br /> THENCE leaving Lot 15 of the Blankenship and Carruthers Addition <br /> crossing Lot 16 and entering the Elliott tract N40° 55' 25"W <br /> 142.53 feet to a point for the west corner of this tract, pass <br /> at approximately 17.5 feet the common line of the Elliott tract <br /> and Lot 16 of the Blankenship and Carruthers Add i bon; <br /> THENCE N43 ~8'58"E 150.00 feet to a point in the southeast line <br /> of Ranch Road 12 for the north corner of this tract; <br /> THENCE with the common line of the Elliott tract and Ranch Road <br /> 12 and with a left-breaking curve having the following <br /> characteristics: Delta = 06°55'08", Radius = 1035.75 feet, Arc <br /> = 125.07 feet, and a chord bearing S40055' 31"E 125.00 feet to <br /> the PLACE OF BffiINNING. There are contained within these metes <br /> and bounds 0.44 acres, more or less, of land as prepared from <br /> record information only by Byrn & Associates, Inc. of San Marcos <br /> Texas and being that property located at 901-A Ranch Road 12. <br />