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<br />the city. Implicit within that attitude are deliberately chosen <br />trade-offs between preserving the existing quality of life for current <br />residents and allowing growth and economic development to extend that <br />quality of life to more people. The policies presented here are either <br />taken from the Master Plan or based on positions taken by the City <br />Council which specifically deal with the Water and Wastewater system. <br />Taken as a whole, these policy statements represent the City's strëJ.tegy <br />to develop a sound, reliable utility system for the least cost to the <br />San Marcos citizens. <br /> WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM <br /> Goal: To provide the citizens of San Marcos with an adequate, <br /> safe, and sanitary supply of water with adequate water <br /> pressure to serve the continued population and <br /> industrial growth in the City. <br /> Objective 1: To provide an adequate, safe, reliable, and <br /> sanitary supply of high quality water in sufficient <br /> quantities to serve the City of San Marcos in the <br /> year 2000. <br /> Policy 1-1: The City will monitor its growth a'nd <br /> population curve, and provide additional well <br /> capacity in advance of the demand in such <br /> increments as are necessary to provide an <br /> increase of 10,000,000 gallons of water per <br /> day by the population level of 46,033 <br /> (approximate year 2000). <br /> Policy 1-2: The City shall begin to develop alternative <br /> sources of water, including surface water, <br /> well ln advance of the Edwards Aquifer <br /> becoming inadequate for the needs of the City. <br /> Objective 2: To make the existing distribution system adequate <br /> within the next five years. <br /> Policy 2-1: Additional approach mains will be added in the <br /> next five years to provide adequate capacity <br /> to areas such as the Gary Job Corps Center. <br /> Policy 2-2: The City will replace all two-inch lines in <br /> the distribution system within the next five <br /> years. <br />