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<br /> TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND ARCHITECT <br /> ARTICLE 1 ments to previous Statements of Probable Construction <br />ARCHITECT'S SERVICES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Cost indicated by changes in requirements or general <br /> market conditions. <br />BASIC SERVICES 1.3.4 The Architect shall assist the Owner in connection <br />The Archi tect's Basic Services consist of the five with the Owner's responsibility for filing documents re- <br /> phases described in Paragraphs 1.1 th rough 1.5 and quired for the approval of governmental authorities hav- <br /> include normal structural, mechanical and electrical ing jurisdiction over the Project. <br /> engineering services and any other services included 1.4 BIDDING OR NEGOTIATION PHASE <br /> in Article 15 as part of Basic Services. 1.4.1 The Architect, following the Owner's approval of <br />1.1 SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE the Construction Documents and of the latest Statement <br />1.1.1 The Architect shall review the program furnished of Probable Construction Cost, shall assist the Owner in <br />bv the Owner to ascertain the requirements of the Project obtaining bids or negotiated proposals, and assist in <br />a~d shan review the understanding of such requirements awarding and preparing contracts for construction. <br />with the Owner. 1.5 CONSTRUCTION PHASE-ADMINISTRATION <br />1.1.2 The Architect shall provide a preliminary evalua- OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT <br />tion of the program and the Project budget requirements, 1.5.1 The Construction Phase will commence with the <br />each in terms of the other, subject to the limitations set award of the Contract for Construction and, together with <br />forth in Subparagraph 3.2.1. the Architect's obligation to provide Basic Services under <br />1.1.3 The Architect shall review with the Owner alterna- this Agreement, will terminate when final payment to the <br />tive approaches to design and construction of the Project. Contractor is due, or in the absence of a final Certificate <br />1.1.4 Based on the mutually agreed upon program and for Payment or of such due date, sixty days after the Date <br />Project budget requirements, the Architect shall prepare, or Substantial Completion of the Work, whichever occurs <br />for approval by the Owner, Schematic Design Documents fi rst. <br />consisting of drawings and other documents illustrating 1.5.2 Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement and <br />the scale and relationship of Project components. incorporated in the Contract Documents, the Architect <br />1.1.5 The Architect shall submit to the O\vner a State- shall provide administration of the Contract for Construc- <br />ment of Probable Construction Cost based on current tion as set forth below and in the edi tion of AlA Docu- <br />area, volume or other unit costs. ment A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Con- <br /> struction, current as of the date of this Agreement. <br />1.2 DESIGN DEVElOPMENT PHASE 1.5.3 The Architect shall be a representative of the <br />1.2.1 Based on the approved Schematic Design Docu- Owner during the Construction Phase, and shall advise <br />ments and any adjustments authorized by the Owner in ,md consult with the Owner. Instructions to the Contrac- <br />the program or Project budget, the ¡\rchitect shall pre- tor shall be forwarded through the Architect. The Archi- <br />pare, for approval by the Owner, Design Development tect shall have authority to act on behalf of the Owner <br />Documents consisting of drawings and other documents only to the extent provided in the Contract Documents <br />to fix and describe the size and character of the enti re unless otherwise modified by written instrument in ac- <br />Project as to architectural, structural, mechanical and elec- cordanc:e with Subparagraph '1.5.16. <br />trical systems, materials and such other elements as may 1.5.4 The Architect shall visit the site at intervals ap- <br />be appropriate. propriate to the stage of construction or as otherwise <br />1.2.2 The Architect shall submIt to the Owner a further agreed by the Architect in writing to become generally <br />Statement of Probable Construction Cost. familiar with the progress and quality of ~he Work and to <br />1.3 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE determine in general if the Work is proceeding in accord- <br /> ance with the Contract Documents. However, the Archi- <br />1.3.1 Based on the approved Design Development Doc- tect shall not be required to make exhaustive or con- <br />uments and any further adjustments in the scope or qual- tinuous em-site inspections to check the quality or quan- <br />ity of the Project or in tile Project budget authorized by tit'll of the Work, On the basis of such on-site observa- <br />the Owner, the Architect shall prepare, for approval by tions as an architect, the Architect shall keep the Owner <br />the Owner, Construction Documents consisting of Draw- informed of the progress and quality of the Work, and <br />ings and Specifications setting forth in detail the require- shall endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and <br />ments for the construction of the Project, deficiencies in the Work of the Contractor. <br />1.3.2 The ¡\rchitect shall assist the Owner in the prepara- 1.5.5 The Architect shall not have control or charge of <br />tion of the necessary bidding information, bidding forms, and shall not be responsible for construction means, <br />the Conditions of the Contract, and the form of Agree- methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for <br />ment between the Owner and the Contractor. safety precautions and programs in connection with the <br />1.3.3 The Architect shall advise the Owner of any adjust- Work, for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, Sub- <br />AlA. DOCUMENT B141 . DW,ER.ARCH',Tli.CC' ACREE.\'.E,;' IHiRTH,TH EDITIO, . jCcY 1977. AlA" . Ii) 19ï7 8141-1977 3 <br />71'E ,\,I,.\ER,(,\, ¡,STITLTE OF ARCf-rITECTS, 'J7J'; "EIV YORK ,\\T,L!E, "W" \V,\SHI.'iGTO" D,e. 20OJ& <br />