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JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS 4NJPA <br />AGREEMENT <br />National Joint Powers Alliance° <br />This Agreement is Between the National Joint Powers Alliance® (NJPA) and <br />City of San Marcos <br />(participating governmental agency) <br />Agreement. The participants in this Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement, hereinafter referred to as the Agreement, agree to <br />jointly or cooperatively exercise certain powers common to them for the procurement of various goods and services by the <br />participants. The term "governmental agency" as defined and used in this Agreement, includes any city, county, town, <br />school district, education agency, post - secondary institution, governmental agency or other political subdivision of any <br />agency of any state of the United States or any other country that allows for the Joint Exercise of Powers, and includes any <br />instrumentality of a governmental agency. For the purpose of this section, an instrumentality of a governmental agency <br />means an instrumentality having independent policy making and appropriating authority. <br />Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to allow for the cooperative efforts to provide for contract and vendor <br />relationships to purchase supplies, materials, equipment or services (hereinafter referred to as goods and services,) as a <br />result of the current and active competitive bidding process exercised by a legal qualifying bidding agency on behalf of <br />governmental and other qualifying agencies. Qualified customers may forgo the competitive bidding process as a result of <br />this action and process provided on the agencies behalf. Reference the Uniform Municipal Contracting Law MN Statute <br />471.345 subd 15. This provision is made possible as a result of the purchasing contract development through a national <br />governmental agency association's purchasing alliance. <br />Whereas, parties to this Agreement are defined as governmental agencies in their respective states; <br />and Whereas, this Agreement is intended to be made pursuant to the various Joint Exercise of Powers Acts of the <br />states or nations of the respective participating governmental agencies which authorizes two or more <br />governmental agencies to exercise jointly or cooperatively powers which they possess in common; <br />and Whereas, the undersigned Participating Governmental Agency asserts it is authorized by Intergovernmental <br />Cooperation Statutes to enter into an agreement with NJPA to cooperate in procurement of goods and services; <br />and Whereas, NJPA asserts it is a Minnesota Service Cooperative created and governed under Minnesota Statute <br />§123A.21 authorized by Minnesota Statute §471.59 to 'Jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to the <br />contracting parties "; <br />and Whereas, the undersigned Participating Governmental Agency and NJPA desire to enter into a "Joint <br />Exercise of Powers Agreement "for the purpose of accessing available purchasing contracts for goods and <br />services from each other which can be most advantageously done on a cooperative basis; <br />Now Therefore, it is mutually agreed as follows: <br />1. The Parties to this agreement shall provide in a cooperative manner access to each other's purchasing efforts to <br />procure supplies, equipment, materials and services hereinafter referred to as "goods and services ", <br />2. The Parties to this Agreement will adhere to any and all applicable laws pertaining to the purchasing of goods and <br />services as they pertain to the laws of their state or nation, <br />3. Either Party to this Agreement may terminate their participation in this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written <br />notice, <br />4. Neither Party to this Agreement claims any proprietary interest of any nature whatsoever in any of the other <br />participants in this Agreement <br />5. Each party agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts and the result thereof to the extent authorized by law <br />and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party and the results thereof. NJPA's liability shall be <br />governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section §3.736, and other <br />applicable law; <br />5/29/2012 <br />