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<br /> B. To provide for a sinking fund for the pay- <br /> ment of the principal and interest and the <br /> retirement of the bonded debt, as the same <br /> shall become due six cents ( 06<;:) on <br /> each one hundred dollars ($100) of the <br /> taxable value of such property, or so much <br /> thereof, or so much more, if any, as shall <br /> be necessary to pay the principal and <br /> interest of the current year. <br /> SECTION 3. That there is hereby levied and there shall be <br /> collected from every person, firm, association or corporation <br /> pursuing any occupation taxed by the general laws of Texas an <br /> annual occupation tax equal in each instance to one-half (1/2) <br /> of the state occupation tax, which tax shall be paid annually <br /> in advance except as otherwise provided by state law, in <br /> which event such tax shall be levied, collected, and paid as is <br /> provided by state law, the amount thereof not in any event to <br /> exceed one-half (1/2) of the state occupation tax as aforesaid. <br /> SECTION 4. The director of finance shall keep accurate <br /> and complete records of all monies collected under this Ordinance <br /> and of the purposes for which same are expended. <br /> SECTION 5. That monies collected pursuant to this Ordinance <br /> shall be expended as set forth in the City of San Marcos Program <br /> and Budget 1983-1984. <br /> SECTION 6. That all monies collected which are not <br /> specifically appropriated shall be deposited in the general fund. <br /> SECTION 7. That the importance of this Ordinance creates <br /> an emergency and an imperative purpose necessary that the provisions <br /> of the Charter requiring that ordinances shall be read at three <br /> separate meetings and that no ordinance shall become effective <br /> until the expiration of ten (10) days following the date of its <br /> final passage be suspended, and these provisions are hereby sus- <br /> pended, and this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force <br /> and effect from and after its adoption and publication in a news- <br /> paper of general circulation within the City. <br /> PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED day of September , 1983. <br /> Attest ~$. grh-rc~ Emmie Craddock <br /> Mayor <br /> ~. Womack <br /> City Secretary <br /> Approved: <br /> OU-~.& <br /> <br /> Charles W. Chapman <br /> Acting City Attorney <br /> Published in the DAILY RECORD September 28, 1983. <br />