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Res 2014-072/Pole attachment rate for electric poles and underground conduit
City Clerk
03 Resolutions
Res 2014-072/Pole attachment rate for electric poles and underground conduit
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1/22/2015 3:45:35 PM
Creation date
5/14/2014 11:38:29 AM
City Clerk
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RESOLUTION NO. 2014 -72R <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, <br />INCREASING THE UNIFORM POLE ATTACHMENT RATE AND ESTABLISHING A <br />UNIFORM UNDERGROUND CONDUIT RATE FOR THE USE OF THE CITY'S <br />ELECTRIC POLES OR CITY -OWNED UNDERGROUND CONDUIT. <br />RECITALS: <br />1. The City owns electric utility poles and utility conduit within the public rights -of -way <br />( "utility infrastructure "); and <br />2. The Texas Utilities Code, Section 54.204(c) prohibits a municipally owned utility or a <br />municipality from charging any entity a pole attachment rate greater than the fee it would be <br />permitted to charge under rules adopted by the Federal Communications Commission ( "FCC ") <br />under 47 U.S.C. § 224(e) if the municipally owned utility were regulated under federal law and <br />the rules of the FCC. <br />3. City may charge communications providers a single uniform rate for pole attachments <br />and underground conduit rate that is non - discriminatory in favor or against communication <br />providers. "Communications provider" means a user who provides or offers to provide cable, <br />telecommunications, or video services pursuant to a franchise or a federal or state certificate and <br />who has a right to use the City's public right -of -way for the provision of those services under <br />federal, state, or local law. "User" means a person or entity that has been granted the right to <br />install an attachment on city utility infrastructure; and <br />4. The City has engaged a consultant to conduct a study of its single non - discriminatory <br />uniform pole attachment rate and to develop a single non - discriminatory uniform underground <br />conduit rate for the city's utility infrastructure to be charged to users of such infrastructure that <br />complies applicable law; and <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of San Marcos, Texas: <br />PART 1: The City Council hereby determines the new uniform pole attachment rate is <br />$15.83 per pole attachment per year. "Pole Attachment" means any attachment by a <br />Communications provider or User to a utility pole or conduit owned by the City. <br />PART 2. The City Council hereby establishes a uniform underground conduit rate in the <br />amount of $3.17 per linear foot per year. "Conduit" means a structure containing one or more <br />ducts. "Duct" means a single enclosed raceway for a conductor, cable, or wire. <br />
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