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RESOLUTION 2015 -30R <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS FINDING A POLICE CAR UTILIZED BY THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT TO BE SURPLUS AND OF NO VALUE; <br />AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO DONATE THIS POLICE CAR TO PINK HEALS <br />HAYS COUNTY; FINDING THAT SUCH CONVEYANCE SERVES THE <br />PUBLIC PURPOSES OF PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION BY PROMOTING <br />CANCER AWARENESS AND IMPROVING PUBLIC HEALTH BY PROVIDING <br />FUNDING FOR CANCER TREATMENT FOR CITIZENS OF SAN MARCOS, <br />CITY EMPLOYEES AND HAYS COUNTY; AUTHORIZING THE CITY <br />MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE THE USED EQUIPMENT <br />DONATION AGREEMENT AND ALL OTHER PERTINENT DOCUMENTS <br />NECESSARY TO TRANSFER TITLE AND CONVEY THE POLICE VEHICLE <br />TO PINK HEALS HAYS COUNTY; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />1. The City's Police Department possesses a police vehicle that has reached the end of <br />its useful life, is functionally obsolete for law enforcement purposes and is therefore declared <br />surplus. <br />2. Pink Heals Hays County ( "Pink Heals ") is a tax - exempt non -profit organization <br />whose mission is to help women battling cancer by providing funds for treatment and promoting <br />cancer awareness and will utilize the donated police vehicle, painted pink, to assist in <br />fundraising. <br />3. Pink Heals donates 100% of the money raised to the public in local communities <br />either by way of local charity or to individuals in need of assistance to defer the cost of treatment. <br />4. Because the "Pink Heals" tour aims to help local communities raise money to help <br />those affected by cancer in their local communities City employees and residents of San Marcos <br />have been past recipients of funds from the Pink Heals organization. <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS: <br />PART 1. The City Council finds and determines that a police vehicle, no longer in use <br />by the City Police Department, is surplus and of no value to the City of San Marcos. <br />PART 2. The City is authorized to donate this police vehicle to Pink Heals. <br />PART 3. The City Manager or his designee is authorized to execute the attached Used <br />1 <br />