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73 <br />Regular Meeting August 26, 1996 Page 2 <br />Mayor Moore opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to <br />speak. No one did, so Mayor Moore closed the public hearing. Ms. <br />Hughson moved for adoption of the Zoning Ordinance and Mr. Cox <br />seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration a public hearing and <br />adoption of a Zoning Ordinance, the caption which was read as <br />follows: <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY BY REZONING <br />A 1.34 ACRE TRACT OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1522 RANCH ROAD 12, <br />FROM "C" (COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) TO "MF-4" (MULTI-FAMILY DISTRICT <br />[HIGH DENSITY]); INCLUDING PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING <br />FOR PENALTIES. <br />Mayor Moore opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to <br />speak. Ms. Hughson advised she needs to abstain on this matter <br />because her brother owns property adjacent to this, filed an <br />affidavit of conflict and left the Chambers. Blanche Franks of <br />Highcrest Apartments and Quail Ridge, stated they are trying to <br />bring the property into compliance with City Code. They have no <br />plans to build any additional apartments. The apartments have been <br />there since 1982 or 1983. No one else wished to speak, so Mayor <br />Moore closed the public hearing. Mr. Guerra moved for adoption of <br />the Zoning Ordinance and Mr. Hernandez seconded the motion, which <br />passed unanimously (Ms. Hughson not present to vote on this item). <br />Mayor Moore introduced for consideration a public hearing and <br />adoption of a Zoning Ordinance, the caption which was read as <br />follows: <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY BY REZONING <br />A 0.78 ACRE TRACT OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1505-1515 EARLE <br />STREET, FROM "R-1" (SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT [LOW <br />DENSITY]) TO "DP-1" (TWO-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT [LOW <br />DENSITY]); INCLUDING PROCEDURAL PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR <br />PENALTIES. <br />Mayor Moore opened the public hearing and asked if anyone wished to <br />speak. Joe Schneider was present representing the owners of the <br />properties. He stated there are four lots in question, arid one has <br />a house on it. They are requesting DP1 zoning so they can build <br />houses and rent them. Rita Torres stated she owns property at 1504 <br />Earle and 1404 Marlton, and this property is across the street from <br />her home. She stated they want family homeowners. The duplexes in <br />the area that have been rented have created problems for the <br />homeowners, and she is opposed to this zoning request. Mr. <br />Schneider stated they do not plan to build duplexes, they plan to <br />build single-family homes and rent them to three unrelated people. <br />Mayor Moore asked Mr. Schneider if he knew of others violating the <br />Zoning Ordinance, and he stated yes. No one else wished to speak, <br />so Mayor Moore closed the public hearing. Mr. Guerra moved to deny <br />the zoning request and Mr. Cox seconded the motion. Ms. Hughson <br />commended Mr. Schneider for the work he has done in that area, but <br />expressed she thinks the zoning needs to remain R-1 because it is <br />encircled by R-1. Mr. Cox stated he agrees with Ms. Hughson and i <br />thinks it is significant that the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />denied this zoning request and the Council needs to leave the zoning <br />as R-1. Mr. Hart stated the fact no more than two unrelated <br />individuals may occupy a property in an R-1 zoning creates a burden <br />on the property owner to make rental payments. It would prohibit <br />college student occupancy in a neighborhood, but it would also <br />prohibit three professionals who teach at the university. Mr. Hart <br />thinks this is a problem worthy of further discussion bythe <br />Planning and Zoning Commission first. Mr. Hart stated as one who <br />survived the late 80s, it was a tremendous hardship and can <br />appreciate what Mr. Schneider is trying to accomplish. Ms. Hughson <br />stated the rules are in place and no one is making Mr. Schneider buy <br />the lots or build the homes, and he knows what the rules are that <br />are in place right now. Mr. Hernandez stated he suggests to Mrs. <br />Torres if she knows of zoning violation problems, she needs to