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(�8) Zone valves must be equipped with an adjustable flow control. <br />(�9) Zone valves must be enclosed in an accessible valve box. <br />(910)Check valves are required where elevation differences may result in Tow- <br />head drainage. Check valves may be located at the sprinkler head(s) or on <br />the lateral line. <br />0) All new ICI and multi -family residential landscape irrigation systems <br />must also be designed, installed and operated in accordance with the following <br />requirements: <br />(2@ Landscape irrigation systems must be equipped with a flow sensor that <br />will automatically shut down the irrigation system during excessive water <br />flows. <br />(3�2) Landscape irrigation systems must be equipped with a freeze sensor that <br />will automatically shut down the irrigation system when ambient <br />temperatures fall below 32 degrees F. <br />(43) An irrigation system evaluation must be conducted at least once per year, <br />and the results of the evaluation shall be provided to the director. <br />SECTION 2. In codifying the changes authorized by this ordinance, paragraphs, sections <br />and subsections may be renumbered and reformatted as appropriate consistent with the numbering <br />and formatting of the San Marcos City Code. <br />SECTION 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, or paragraph of this ordinance is held <br />to be unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the other provisions of this <br />ordinance will continue in force if they can be given effect without the invalid portion. <br />SECTION 4. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in <br />conflict with this ordinance are repealed. <br />SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect after its passage, approval and adoption on <br />second reading. <br />PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading on January 19, 2021. <br />PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED on second reading on March 16, 2021 <br />