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CEMETERY DEED <br />Deed # 11286 <br />Date: July 22.201t) <br />Grantor- City of San Marcos, a Texas Municipal Corporation. <br />Grantors Mailing Address ]including county): Gap East Hopkins Street, San Marcos. I I ays County. Texas 79666, <br />Grantee: Shlroon Robert <br />Mailing Address (including county): 300 Westview Dr, San MxEcoa JJ#ys County, 'Texas 78666 <br />Consideration: S 11,100.00 <br />Propeny: Lot Numbfr(,,;)_Izl_, of Block Numbers 280 , Section C-1 apt the A—J, R#M",y Addition, acquired by the <br />City of San Marcos from A.M. Ramsay, by deed dated May 4, 1932, recorded in Vol, 104, pages A7_94MJ,, Hays County <br />Ned Records. The plat or map of said addition is recorded in Y&JU. PAU!��, of said deed records. <br />The Grantor, for the consideration, has granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, sell and convey unto <br />Grantee, the property, to have and to!, hold the above described premises. together with all and singular the rights and <br />appurtenances thereto in any -wise belonging, unto the Grantee, Grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />As a par( of the consideration of the property hereby cons cycd, it is agreed and understood that the property shall be subject. <br />always, to the restrictions imposed by the 6ol, eming, hardy of said City of San Marcos in exercising Perpetual Care of the <br />property. This provision is a co%enani running with the land, binding upon the properly, and the present and %,uccessnre <br />owirms thereof, and inuring to the benefit (if the ( irantorits successors and assigns, ad to the benefit oftbe remaining lots in <br />the cemetery, and the present and suceessvve owners thereof <br />Grantor makes this conveyance. and Grantee accepts iL without an y warranty as to the subsurface condition of the property. or <br />the costs of making interments within the property. Grantee, and Grantee's successors and assigns, accept all risks as to Such <br />conditions and costs as a pan of this transaction. <br />Thisdeed is executed on behaltof(irantor by its Mayor, and attested by its City Clerk, as authorized byan ordinance passed <br />on August 6. 1424 ot'record in Vol. 6, at page 154. in the official minutes, of Grantor's City Commission, this the <br />day 20 <br />CITY OF SAN MARCOS <br />Att Nit: By: s <br />"Ij, <br />Susan Narvaiz <br />Mayor <br />Sherry Mas urn <br />Cit" Clerk <br />STATE OF TEXAS <br />COUNTY OF HAYS <br />BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day peronally appeared, Susan Nanaiz. known to ine to he the person <br />whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument. and acknowledged to me that she executed the same, as the act and <br />deed of the ('try of San Marcos, Texas. a Municipal Corporation, and as the Mayor thereof, and for the purpose and <br />consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. <br />GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL Of (,IFF 'E this <br />................. .............................'day o f.t4.�Z,D <br />gYNiFNAK KNCX <br />My ccUMISSON E*iRES NoiaryPubtic, State of Te.-,oas <br />4wuq 6, 2014 <br />NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALIT1 RIQITS; IF WILL ARF. ,A NA11RAI, PERSON, VOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY Of' 'IHE <br />FOLLOWING INFORM kTION FROM THIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE ITIS FILED FOR RE('ORD IN TILE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR <br />SOCIAL SElCI)RITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER. <br />