Bk Vol Pq
<br />15007647 OPR' 51.63 364
<br />Date- March 16 ,2015
<br />Grantor-, City of San Marcos, as 'I"exas municipal cooperation.
<br />Grantor's Mailing Address (including county): 630 last Hopkins Street„ San Marcos, HIYS COUnty, Texas, 78666
<br />(.-.,rantee: Marsha Mowre,
<br />Grantee's Mailing Addrcss (including counky): 202 W. Sierra Circle , San Marcos Hays (Iounity, .11 78666
<br />Consideration: Ten Dollars and othcr good and valmahle consklermion
<br />Property: Niche Number 4-A, 4-13 — at the Saan Marcos City (",cmcm-y Columbarium, according to the plat recorded in Volume
<br />284,1, Page 602, ofil'ic Hays County Plat Recordsand asshown more paoiculmly on the Attached Elxhibit A,
<br />'The Grantor, for the consideration, has granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant. sell and convey inito
<br />Grantee. an cxclusive right ofseptilture in the Property
<br />As a part of` the consideration for the exclusive right of squiture in the Property, the Grantee agrees and tindcrslands that the
<br />rise of" the Property shall be subject, always, to the restrictions imposed from the time to tione by the City C"ouncil ofthe Cly (A'San
<br />Marcos in exercising Perpetual Care offhe San Marcos ily C 'enietcry and the laws of the Suite of Tcxas. This provision is hinding
<br />upmi the property, and the pi-csetu and Successive owner's thereof, and inuring to the Ivnefit ofifie, Grantor, its SUCCeSSors and assigns,
<br />and it,) the benefit ofthe retriaining niches, crypts and lots, in the cemetery, and the present and successive owners thereof,
<br />'11"his certificate is executed on behalfol'Grantor by its Mayor, and aitesic(I by its Clerk, as author/,cd by aan ordinance passed,
<br />on August 6, 924 of'record inn Vol, 6, at page 154, in the official: nunmes of(iranior's City Cortirnission. this the ..,JT�day of
<br />rf)
<br />COUNTY 01",HAYS
<br />C6111"( A-' SAN 4,." S
<br />I _re
<br />rrerrero
<br />Mayor
<br />BEFORE ME, the undersigned 'outhorily, on this day personally appeared. Daniel Guerrero, known to me to be the person whose tianic
<br />is subscribed Io the foregoing instruiricni, and acknowledged lo I'm that lic executed the same, as the, act and aJecd of the City of San
<br />marcos, 'rexas,a municipal Corporation, ,in(] ,is the Mayor ificreof, and for the PLM'f)0Se alld CMISWCT-aflon therein cxpressed, and in the
<br />calviciiy therein stated.
<br />-a
<br />(,'MIVI.-.'N UNDER MY HAND AND S111"AL OF OFFICE this -)
<br />IWIdir
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