Bk Vla 1, Pg
<br />15007644, OPR '5163 35,8
<br />C I I
<br />Date: March .16,2015
<br />Grantor: CIly ol'San Marcos, a Texas municipal cooperation,
<br />Crantor's Mailing Address (including county,): 630 East Hopkins Street, Sall MM -COS, 1-kIyS C.OUnty,Texas 78066
<br />Grantee: Wayland & Charlotte Endsley
<br />Grantee's Mailing Address (including county): 107 Nichols Drive , Sgn Marcos Hays County, 'EX 78666
<br />Consideration: Teti Dollars and o1her good and valuah1c, consideration
<br />Property- Niche Number 5-A, 5-13 ----- - ---------- at the San Marcos City Cemetery C'Ohlinbariunl, according to the plat recorded in V(,flunle
<br />2844, Page 602, of the KAYS COUnty Pkn Records, andas shown more plirtiCUILIfly on the Attached Exhibit A,
<br />The Grantor, for the considerwitsn, has granted, sold and CoijVeye(l, ,111(f by Ji'jCSC preSentS (II)CS grani" sell and convey Unto
<br />Grantee, an exclusive right of sepulture in the Property.
<br />Ave to part ofthe consideration for the exclusi we right of seP(dtUrC ill 1111C PrOpCrly, the Granice agrees and, understands that the
<br />use ol'ihe Propo-ty shall he sub ' tact, always, to file restrictions irnposcd fa-orn the Inne tet 61ne by the City Camncil of' lite (.'try oi'San
<br />Marcos in exercising Perperual (,',are of' the San Marcos City Ceirmery and the laws of the Stale ot"I"exas, This provision i;s hinding,
<br />upon file Property, and the present and successivc owners thereof, and inuring to the benefit ot'the Gramor, its successors and assigns,
<br />and to the benefit ofilic rernaining niches, crypis art(] lots in the cemetery, an(] the present an(] sttc(xssivc owners therod'.
<br />This certificale is executed on behall, ol'Grantor by its Mayor. and allested by its Clerk, as authorized by ,,in ordinance passed
<br />on A ugust 6 19�24 ofrecord in Vol. 6, at page 154, in the of'ficial minutes of'(1raillor's C71ty Commission. this dic ol,
<br />20-A5—
<br />ticsi:
<br />arnie 'ch, (i 'try CI -k
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<br />le C Ij(Iq
<br />COUNTY 01"HAYS
<br />CIT SAN 'S
<br />y— ------
<br />ajucrivro
<br />mayor
<br />BIEFORE ME'., the undersigned authority, oil this day personally appeared, Daniel Guerrero, known to me to be the person whowc name
<br />is subscribed to Ific foregoing insiruineni, and acknowledged to nic that lie execnijetl jjjkw sjrne, ,is the act and deed ofthc Cny col' Sall
<br />I
<br />Marcos, Texas, asMunicipal Corporation, and as lite Mayor there(st" and for the purpose and consideration 1herein expressed, and iin the
<br />capacity therein stated, I
<br />NOU'KV PUWWSate (:J TeX,
<br />toy CWTIMISSIOe` IxP I r e Now Nth ic, Sta 1"I'mas
<br />March 04, 20 18
<br />20
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