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CEMETERY DEED <br />Deed # 11379 <br />Date: August 24, 201,5 <br />Grantor: City ol'San Marcos, a'rexas municipal c', n,poraij oil, <br />8k W'l Pq <br />15028091 OPR 1321 Q <br />(Ji-antor's Mailing Address (including COUrfly 8; 630 ll.tst Hopkins Strep. San Marcos, Hays County, Texas 78666, <br />Grantee: John & Deborah Lee O'Donnell <br />Marling Ad(iress(iiicludingcokinly): 280111jarbotti-Town'Firl, Ontario, SainBernadiino County, CA 91761, <br />Consideraliow $ 1,700.1191 <br />ConsiderafiowWroperty: Lot Ntart4ber(s)j.6,ol'Bl(,)ckNiiiTa ger 1 Seclion 2,ol' the Dixon Addition,acquiredby <br />the City ol'San Marcos (rom Sari Marcos Cemetery Associvifion, by deed dwed May 31, 1923, recorded in Vol._87, pages, <br />005 - 600 , Hays Con nly Deed Records. <br />The Grantor, for the consideration, has gra head, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, well and COnWy UTI[o <br />Grantee, the property, to have and to hold the, above described premises, logethcr with all and singular the rights and <br />appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto the Grantee, Grantee's h6rs and assigns forever. <br />As to par( of the: consideration of the properly hctcliy conveyed, it is agreed and understood that the property shall be <br />subject, always, to the restrictions unposed by the Governing body ol"said City of'San Marcos in exercising perpetual Care <br />of the property. This provision is a covenant running with the land, binding upon the property, and the present and <br />successive owners thercol', and 6niring to the bonctn of the Grantor, its successors and assigns, ad to the benefit offfic <br />remaining lots iii the ceinclery. and the present and successive owners thereof. <br />(o-antor makes this conveyance, and Grantee, accepts it, without any warranty as to the.subsurl'acc, condition ofibe property, <br />or the costs ofmaking inicirmenis within the property. Grantee. and Grantee's sucevssors and assigns, accept all risks as <br />to such conditions and costs as a part of tins transaction. <br />This deed is cxecuted on behalf of Girantor by its Mayor, and attested by its Cny Clerk, as authorized by an ordinance <br />passed on August 6, 1924 of'record in Vol. 6, at page 154, in [lie official minutes off3rathor's City Commission, this tile <br />&-Klay of S& 2l1J_5'-. <br />Atlesl' <br />I lalinte P Ifi.iohn <br />c"t <br />",STAI")FTEXAS <br />COUNTY OF HAYS <br />CITY (Of, SAN <br />) �'l C-1 I I S <br />Mayor <br />BEFORE, ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appmecd, [Daniel Guerrero, known 1(i me to be the person <br />whose narne is subscribed to are foregoing ins(runtent, and aQknowWgcd to nw that he exceitled the same, as the act and <br />deed of the Ciry of San Marcos, I texas, a Municipal Corporation, and as the Mayor thereof, and for the purpose and <br />consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. <br />GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF'OFFIC 2015 <br />JAMIE LEE PEITUOHN <br />rq}imv PublicSiale 01 T"" <br />J>iJv comrm."Snon L(Wes <br />to 04 20, 8 <br />NOTICEOF CONFIDENTUAITIN RIGJJTSIF YOU ARE' A NATURAI, PERSON, YOU MAY RE51OVE OR S`I'RIKE ANY OFFICE <br />FOLEOWING INFORMATION FROWITILS LNSTRUMENTBEXORE rr US FILED FOR RECORD IN TITS, PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR <br />SOCIAI, SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR I)RtVLR'S LR; [NSI: <br />