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Bl.a Val Ptf <br />(WR 5280 589 <br />CEMETERY DEED <br />Deed # 1.1.4 1 <br />Date: jully 15" 2015 <br />Gramm City of"San Marcos,aTexas Municipal Corporation. <br />Grantor's Mailing Address (including counfy): 630 Fast Hopkins Street, San Marcos, flays County,Texas 78666. <br />Grantee: Kristen Griffin <br />Mailing Address (including counly)a 409 East Davis Ave, Davis , Murray County, )K 73030. <br />Consideration: $ 1,050.00 <br />Consideration: SProperty: Lot Number(s) _L, ol'Block. Number 38 Section 2, of' the Dixon Addition, acquired by <br />the City of'yuan Marcos froni San Marcos Cemetery Association, by deed dated May 31, 1923. recorded in Vol. 8,7, pages <br />605 - 600, Hays COUnty Deed Records. <br />The Grantor, Ior the consideration, has, grarned, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, sell and convey unto <br />Granice, the property, to have and to hold the above described premises, together with all art(] singular the right's and <br />appurtenances (hereto in anywise belonging, unto the Grantee, Grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />As a part of the consideration 0' the propoei-ty hereby conveyed, it is agreed an(] understood that the property shall be <br />subject, always, to the restrictions imposed by the Governing body ol'said City of San Marcos in exercising Perpetual Care <br />cal" [tic property, This provision is a covenant running with the land, hindint, upon the property, and the present, and <br />successive owners thereof, and inuring, to the benelit (if the Grantor, its successors and assigns, ad to the; benefit of'the <br />remaining lots in the cemetery, and the present and successive; owners thercof'. <br />Grantor makes this conveyance, and Grantee accepts it, without any warranty as to the subsurface condition ot'dic property, <br />or the costs of'rnNiking inierinents within the property, Grantee. an(] Grantee's successors and assigns, accept kill risks as <br />to such conditions and costs as a part, of this transaction. <br />'his, deed is CXeCUted on behalf of' Grantor by its Mayor, sand attested by its Clerk, as authorized by an ord i via lice <br />passed on u Lwm 6, 1924 of record in Vol, 6, at page 154. in the ofTicial minutes (it'( I iranlor's City Commission, this the <br />CITY OF SAN COS <br />go <br />Da xrero <br />Mayor <br />COUNTY OF" HAYS <br />BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, (.)it this (Jay personally appeared, Daniel Guerrero, known to me to be the person <br />whose narnic is subscribed to the loregoing instruitient, and acknowledged to rite that fie executed the same, as the act and <br />deed oI' the City oI* San Marcos, Texas, a Municipal Corporation, and as the Mayor thereof, and for the purpose and <br />consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein staled, <br />GIV17N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAI� 0 <br />oW too JAMIE LEE PETTIJOININ <br />ut�j <br />No <br />Sta"'Ot I ex, a 5 <br />M Mare <br />areh 0,4 2018 <br />NotalV PUbbC, <br />4y ccrl) rM SS Non E X r)l r L"mm <br />,20),5- <br />NOTFICE OF CONFIDEN'11AUrY RIC11"I'S. IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR, STRIKE ANY mnw <br />FOIA,OWING INFORMATION FROMTHIS INS IIRUNU,,,N'.I'BEFORI,,'I't'IS FII,ED FOR RECORD Eli THE PUB1,1CRIXORDS. YOIJR <br />SOCIAI, SI;CAJRITY NUMBER OR YOOR DRIVER'S LICTNSE NUMBER. <br />