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FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 1.03 of the City Charter (Statement of <br />Goals) to replace the current section with a new statement of goals <br />of city government that is organized by the categories of people, <br />place, environment, economy, and public services. <br />PROPOSITION - B <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 3.01(c) of the City Charter (City Council <br />— Number, Selection and Term) to establish term limits for council <br />members by providing that a council member elected at the regular <br />election held in November of 2022 or at any regular election held <br />thereafter shall be ineligible to run for any city council position, <br />other than mayor, for two years after serving three consecutive terms <br />of office. <br />PROPOSITION - C <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 3.01(c) of the City Charter (City Council <br />— Number, Selection and Term) to establish term limits for the <br />position of mayor by providing that a person elected as mayor at the <br />regular election held in November of 2024 or at any regular election <br />held thereafter shall be ineligible to run again for mayor for a period <br />of two years after serving four consecutive terms in that position. <br />PROPOSITION - D <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 3.09 (Meetings of the City Council) to <br />require all regular city council meeting agendas to include "Citizen <br />Comment Period" and "Question and Answer Session with Press <br />and Public" as agenda items. <br />PROPOSITION - E <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 4.01(b) of the City Charter (City <br />Manager — Term and Salary) to allow the removal of city manager <br />by a vote of four members of the entire city council instead of five <br />members, as currently required. <br />PROPOSITION - F <br />FOR/AGAINST The amendment of Section 4.01(c)(2) of the City Charter (City <br />Manager — Duties of the City Manager) to remove the requirement <br />for city council approval of the city manager's appointment of <br />assistant city managers. <br />2 <br />