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Regular Meeting <br /> <br />May 10, 1982 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Mayor Craddock opened a public,hearing on a Zoning Ordinance zon- <br />ing 1.03 acres of land in the J. M. Veramendi League No. One from <br />"AO" (Agricultural-Open Space District) to "C" (Commercial District). <br />Curtis Briggs, owner of the property stated there was an office build- <br />ing on the property and the property would be used as a commercial <br />district. No one else wished to speak for or against the zoning <br />change, so the public hearing was closed. The Zoning Ordinance <br />was then considered for approval on first reading, the caption <br />which was read as follows: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />MARCOS, TEXAS, ~.~ENDING SECTION 3 OF THAT ORDINANCE <br />WHICH REGULATES AND RESTRICTS THE LOCATION AND USE <br />OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND LAND, DATED SEPTEMBER <br />29, 1980 (VOL. 54) BY ZONING 1.03 ACRES OF LAND, MORE <br />OR LESS, IN THE J. M. VERAMENDI LEAGUE NO. ONE, A/K/A <br />2110 AND 2112 HUNTER ROAD, FROM "AO" (AGRICULTURAL- <br />OPEN SPACE DISTRICT) TO "C" (COMMERCIAL DISTRICT). <br /> <br />Mr. Brown moved to approve the Ordinance on first reading and Mr. <br />Kreczmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Mayor Craddock opened a public hearing on a Zoning Ordinance request- <br />ing rezoning of 7.40 acres of land in the Mockingbird Hill Subdivi- <br />sion from "R-l" (Single-Family Dwelling District) to "C" (Commercial <br />District). David Morrison, representing the owners of the property, <br />Messrs. Hale and Weathers, said the request being made was consistent <br />with the plans for the development of Mockingbird Hill. It is their <br />intent to have the county road adjoining the property opened to carry <br />the i ~reased traffic. He said the owners were willing to include a <br />restriction in their deed that the property would remain zoned "R-i" <br />until such time as the county road is opened, then it would be zoned <br />"C". No one else wished to speak for or against the zoning request <br />and Mayor Craddock closed the public hearing. The Zoning Ordinance <br />was then considered for approval on first reading, the caption which <br />was read as follows: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />MARCOS, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 3 OF THAT ORDINANCE <br />WHICH REGULATES AND RESTRICTS THE LOCATION AND USE OF <br />BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND LAND, DATED SEPTEMBER 29, <br />1980 (VOL. 54) BY ZONING 7.40 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR <br />LESS, OUT OF THE J. M. VERAMENDI LEAGUE NO. ONE, IN <br />THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, FROM "R-i" (SINGLE- <br />FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DISTRICT) TO "C" (COM- <br />MERCIAL DISTRICT). <br /> <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission had recommended disapproval of <br />the Zoning change until such time as the road would be opened to <br />carry the increased traffic to the area, and therefore in order for <br />the Ordinance to be approved on first reading by the Council, would <br />need a minimum of five votes approving the Ordinance. Mrs. Norris <br />moved the Ordinance be tabled until such time as the deed restriction <br />is worked out and Mrs. Mendez seconded the motion. On roll call the <br />following vote was recorded: <br /> <br />AYE: Brown, Farr, Kreczmer, Craddock, Mendez, Norris. <br /> <br />NAY: Moore. <br /> <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br /> <br /> <br />