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68 <br /> <br />MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE <br />CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br /> TEXAS, NOVEMBER 30, 1982 <br /> <br />PRESENT: Mayor <br /> <br />Emmie Craddock <br /> <br />Council Members <br /> <br />Karl W. Brown <br />Gerald G. Farr <br />John A. Kreczmer <br />Elida A. Mendez <br />Jaime Moore <br />Tess Norris <br /> <br />City Manager <br />City Secretary <br />City Attorney <br />Director of Finance <br /> <br />A. C. Gonzalez <br />Janis K. Womack <br />Barbara Jean Edwards <br />Earl Williams <br /> <br />Also Present: Jerri Martin, Charles Stone, C. Suckle, Wren Giesen, <br />A. H. Dawson, James Ford, Mary Peveler, R. E. Peveler, Gayle Ross, <br />Henry C. Kyle, Jackie Matthys, Eric Anderson, Ricky Dietert, Olga Garza, <br />Zella Shaper, Tempe Lou Fuchs, Jeff Watkins, Ann Craddock, Jane Wilson, <br />David Young and others. <br /> <br />Mayor Craddock called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br /> <br />Mayor Craddock opened a public hearing on the proposed property tax in- <br />crease. No one wished to speak in favor of the proposed tax increase. <br />Mayor Craddock asked if anyone wished to speak against the increase. <br />Henry C. Kyle said he would like to ask some questions. He had re- <br />viewed the budget and wanted to know if the $1.6 million "surplus" <br />of the last fiscal year was considered in the budget, and stated that <br />it should be. Finance Director Earl Williams said the auditors for the <br />City would be here the first part of December and would be conducting <br />an audit and making any adjustments that need to be made, and at that <br />time we will know exactly what the fund balance is and that information <br />will be made available to the public at that time. He stated the fund <br />balance is not an excess of money, but instead is on deposit to back <br />up the City when needed. It has been needed the first quarter of this <br />fiscal year because we have not had the tax revenues to support the <br />City because of the late tax roll. He also stated a good firm balance <br />is needed to support any bond issue the City may propose. Mr. Kyle <br />also asked in what manner the 8.33% calculation was made. Charles <br />Stone, Tax Assessor for the City, stated the truth and taxation cal- <br />culation establishes the effective tax rate at 60 cents and that a <br />tax rate of 65 cents is 5 cents above the effective tax rate of 60 <br />cents. Divide 5 cents by 60 cents to arrive at the 8.33% calculation. <br />Mary Peveler asked what the fund balance of the previous year was, and <br />Earl Williams replied when the audit is complete, the fund balance <br />figure will be made public information. She also asked what period <br />of time the City had a fund balance of at least $1 million, to which <br />the City Manager replied the last fiscal year was the first time. <br />James L. Ford stated he did not approve of the Council holding a <br />meeting on December 3, 1982 at 5:00 p.m. for the setting of the tax <br />rate. He thought it should be at a later time. He also asked with <br />the tax statements being mailed so late would there be any extension <br />of time past January 31 for payment. This is determined by state law. <br />Augustin Lucio asked if a portion of the fund balance had been used <br />to reduce the tax rate percentage to 8.33%, to which Mr. Williams re- <br />plied some fund balance had been used for this purpose. No one else <br />wished to speak in favor or against the proposed tax increase, so Mayor <br />Craddock closed the public hearing. <br /> <br /> <br />