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City Council Meeting Minutes April 19, 2022 <br />dangerous for residents to cross. Drivers don't stop for the flashing lights when <br />a pedestrian presses the button. <br />Katie Deolloz, Executive Director of Walk SMTX, expressed concern with the <br />safety near the First Methodist Church. She read letters from concerned <br />citizens regarding the intersection at West Hutchison and Fredericksburg. Mrs. <br />Deolloz stated this has been an issue since before November 2015. Many <br />drivers do not stop for pedestrians. <br />Christie Maycock, spoke on item #23, expressed concern with violations of <br />FAA polices done by Texas Aviation Partners. She expressed concern with <br />treatment done by the Texas Aviation Partners. She would like the city to help <br />with the issues done by Texas Aviation Partners to Blue Skies Aviation. <br />Sonia Cortez, spoke in opposition of AC -22-01. She stated the tenants of a new <br />high development is ending neighborhood traditions. The developer would like <br />to dictate how Victory Garden residents live their lives. She mentioned she <br />would like the developer to be part of the neighborhood but he is building a <br />wall around his business. She would like for the developer to address his plans <br />on the noise level while a church service is going on across the street and while <br />the children are playing at the park. <br />Christina Casas Moreno, spoke in opposition of the proposed development <br />located at 312 Camacho. She expressed concern with the business owner's <br />management on the property. She stated it is hard to built a relationship with <br />the business owner who doesn't value the importance of neighbors or is <br />inconsiderate of the damage he is causing. She expressed concern on the <br />warehouse project of unloading on the public street and a safety hazard near <br />the neighborhood park. <br />Rudy Rodriguez, spoke against item #22. He lives behind the proposed project <br />and inquires if the developer knew there was a residential senior citizens place <br />near the property. He stated senior citizens have expressed concern for children <br />playing at the playground nearby. Mr. Rodriguez stated the developer was <br />rude regarding a meeting that was scheduled and the developer never showed <br />up in person but the meeting was held through Zoom. He mentioned that he <br />went around the neighborhood to collect signatures to oppose the warehouse. <br />Roland Saucedo, spoke in opposition of item #22. He stated he is speaking on <br />behalf of the residents of Victory Gardens. He mentioned there was a flyer sent <br />to have a meeting at Victory Gardens park but the owner didn't show up in <br />City of San Marcos Page 2 <br />