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THE STATE OF TEXAS <br />County of Hays: <br />Before me, the undersigned, holding the office of - - - - NotarY Public - - - - - - - in and <br />for Hays County, Texas, personally appeared <br />who states under oath that he is the publisher of the San Marcos Daily Record; a newspaper which has been <br />regularly and continuously published in San Marcos, Hays County, Texas, for a period of more than one <br />year immediately preceding the date of publication of this notice and that the Notice by Publication hereto <br />attached was published in the regular edition of said newspaper for a period of _0_0 -(Li A- - <br />---------------------------- on the following dates <br />r;`L----- - 20 Cam,-------------- , 20 --- <br />-------------,20 ---------------,20--- <br />------------- , 20 --------------- .20 --- <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - , 20 , a printed clipping of said notice being hereto attached. <br />The said publisher further states that the rate charged for opuicat* the lowest rate charged <br />commercial advertisers for the same class of advertising for a like (Signed) -------- <br />us r <br />Subscribed and sworn to before a this - - . - - day of c-A - - - - - 20 <br />AWFORD Y tc-Qrc7 - state of T <br />exas <br />issior Expires -11 ", 200 - <br />=N-=