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Sec. 90.122. Vehicle inspection. <br />Any vehiele operated pur-suant to this affiele shall be inspeeted as fequir-ed by state law. An ifispe <br />shat ° r a„rinR the nth ^ vehiele is ft a te use as a taxi. <br />(a) Before being allowed to operate upon the streets of the city, each taxicab shall be inspected and • <br />approved annually by the chief of police or his representative. <br />(b) No taxicab shall be driven or operated upon the streets of the city unless the same is in safe <br />condition and free from mechanical defects, and it must further meet the following requirements: <br />Have a current valid state inspection sticker and be in compliance with the safety <br />requirements of the Texas Motor Vehicle Code as amended: and <br />Have a seat belt for each passenger; and <br />Have an operating heater and air conditioner: and <br />Have a fire extinguisher that is in good operating order, and. <br />Have a taxi-top light. <br />(c) The vehicle identification number and license number of each taxicab must match the numbers <br />listed for that taxicab on the permit application. <br />(d) Insignia of taxicab must be the same as that indicated on the permit application. <br />Sec. 90.123. Condition of vehicles. <br />Every vehicle operating under this article shall be kept clean and in sanitary condition. <br />Sec. 90.124. Designation of taxi. <br />(a) Each taxicab shall bee en ere doo on eaeh side in * -' letters, readable by -a <br />per-sen with nefmal vision at 20 feet, the name of the eempany and in additien may bear- an appf <br />`idenfi6ring design of the ^^m° . have painted on both sides the trade name of the organization under <br />whose operating permit such taxicab is being operated, the taxicab unit number and the business • <br />telephone number of the holder of the operating permit. <br />Such letters and numbers shall be not less than three (3) inches high with one-half (1/2) inch <br />stroke, painted on each taxicab with permanent non-washable paint of a color sharply contrasting to the <br />color of the taxicab so that the same will be readily apparent. <br />No design shall be approved that, in the opinion of the city, conflicts with or imitates that of any <br />vehicle already operating under ^ ° eM an operating permit granted under this article. <br />Sec. 90.125. Odometer required. <br />An odometer is required for each vehicle operated pursuant to this article. The odometer shall be <br />inspected yearly by the police department to ensure proper calibration. <br />Sec. 90.126. Rates of fare; rate card required. <br />(a) Every holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued pursuant to this article <br />shall file a statement of the rates charged by taxicabs operated pursuant to the certificate with the <br />city secretary. <br />(b) Every taxicab operated under this article shall have a rate card setting forth the rates of fare <br />displayed in a place in view of all passengers. The rate card shall correspond to the rates on file pursuant <br />to subsection (a) of this section. <br />Sec. 90.127. Attempt to defraud passenger <br />A person who operates a taxicab commits an offense if the person intentionally extends the distance or <br />time for a trip bevond the distance and time necessarv for the trip for the purpose of increasing the fare <br />for the trip. <br />2