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<br />W. G. Barbee stated that $458.98 would be applied to the balance owing at Jack <br />Hughes Motors, and $254.02 would be applied to the note at the State Bank & Trust <br />Company. <br /> <br />~ <br />_. <br />~ <br />"""'" , <br /> <br />2~ <br /> <br />",- <br />~,,,,~ <br /> <br />f"!.'" <br />,c.' _/. <br /> <br />r'l1r~ w. Gw BDrbce, Executive Secretary, reported to the Council that each <br />year at this time, it is necessary that the City borrow money by the issuance <br />of Expense Warrant.s to be sold to a local ~~k. The money is deposited to the <br />city's General Fund to be used for expenses: until tax collection time begins. <br />At that time the Expense Warrants are then repaid. He stated that this year <br />he consi.ders it necessary to issue $60,(')00.00 in Expense Warrants. Mr. IJurbee <br />advised the Council !tnt, even though aU :[,60,000.00 is approved at this time, <br />the Warrants will be sold only as they are needed. Alderman Allen made a motion <br />that the Council approve the issuance of $60,000.00 in Expense Warrants to <br />be sold as they are needed, and that Mayor Dietterich and W. G. Barbee <br />be authorized to sign the Warrants. Alderman Beecroft seconded the motion. A <br />vote was taken which resulted unanimously in favor of the motion4 <br />Alderman Beecrc>ft then made a motion that $30,000.00 Expens'2 Waronts Nos. 1 <br />thru 30, inclusive, be sold to the State Bank & Trust Company, San Marcos, Texas, <br />and that $30,000.00 Expe[1s~ Warrants Nos. 31 thru 60 , incl',lsive, be sold to the <br />First National Bank, San Marcos, Texas. Alderman Korff seconded the mot.ion. <br />A vote was taken which resulted as follows: <br />Alderman Uen - Disqui:lified because of connections with State Bank & Trust Co. <br />Alderman Korff - Yes <br />Alderman Hillburn - Yes <br />Alder'man Beecroft - Yes <br />Alderman Davis - No <br />Mayor Dietterich then stated that the motion had carried. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />There was a discussion on Harold Legge's survey. It was stated that the !>urvey <br />has not been completed as of this date due to the unexpected work involved. It <br />was suggested that c special meeting be called in the near future to hear a <br />final report from Mr. Harold Legge. Calvin Allen suggested that Mr. Legge be <br />contacted by W. G. Barbee as to J convenient date for the f:lnal report. <br />Alderman Allen made a motion that Mr. Legge be contacted and requested to set a <br />date for his final report. Alderman Beecroft seconded thf> motion. A vote was <br />taken which resulted unanimously in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />Mr. Barbee reported that he had been contacted as to the date of the I <br />Dies Sies Parade which will be held in September. He stated that Dies Sies falls <br />on a Sunday and that the Latin Americans would like to get permission from the <br />Council to hold their narade on that dav. Alderman Korff made a motion that the <br />Council ap~rove the pa~ad0 being held o~ Sunday afternc>on at any time after <br />J.:OO p.m. Alderman Beecroft. seconded the motion. A vote was taken which <br />resulted ~nanimously in fav~r of t~e motion. <br /> <br />Mr. Barbee stated that he had previously contacted Frank T. Drought, Engineer <br />from San Antonio, Texas, pertaining to the San MC:U"C05 Sewer Plant and Lift Station. <br />He then presented 2 letter from Mr. Drought stating that the trouble we have recently <br />had at the Lift Station lies in the popularity and prosperity of San Marcos,as <br />Mr. Drought's Engineer Report of October, 1953, showed an anticipated popu18ti~n <br />of San Marcos in 1956 as 11,500 people whereas it is now ap~roximately 15,000. <br />Mr. Drought stat.ed 15,000 is t.he anticipated growth of the town for 1964, due <br />to his report. Mr. Dr"ol.1ght stat.ed that should t.hese fig~res be correct, the <br />City of San Marcos has achieved fourteen yearst growth in six years, which is <br />enough to disrupt any utility installvtion seriously. Mr. Drought also stated <br />tha-:. liMy idea is that since you arB faced with moving that lift station and also <br />L::ced with the installation of larger, you could pU:I'chase a larger pump <br />and motor at this time and place it in the lift station, take ou:. one or the <br />presen-~ pumps and put it aside in storage. I think that i"t is evident iN8 can <br />never shut the lift station down, so wIler. the move is made ,Ne shall h2ve to have <br />an extra pump to place in the new ~,tation before we: can move_ a pump frof!'! the <br />old station, and we can only maintain service to the sewage plant by leap-fragging <br />t.he pumps from the old stc;tion to tl--le new one. Consequently'~ I do not believe I <br />that my recornmendatian wf)uld ent3iJ any loss of f!1oney~ although it l,'wuld give <br />vnu 3 standby ~\.Jmp or (~ !rwrer th2.n the ne\'.~ pumps~ generally speuking, <br />~hould be.!' Alderman HillblJrn then sllggested that the Cauricll review the <br />sitaation and visit the sewer plant ~nci lift station, discuss the situatinn <br />with Gc.r'l Wilson, S1..:perintendent of tift Station and Se....Ie"L' Plant~ to determine <br />the exact position in which the City n01l'1 stands. The Counci]' 1,\'35 in fuvor of <br />Mr. Hillburn's suggestion, therefore, n0 definit~ action W~C ~aken. <br /> <br />The Coun.cil '.':C:S requ?sted 'to set c Jate for this year's Clean-Up Week. <br />The C~"Jr;cil unanimously set April 3Q"th '~.hru May 7th as Clf';a~-Up Week. <br /> <br />A~'J C:ii.i.JI~JANCE AUDITING AND ALL01:\'!NG C~;IIMS FOR INDEDTEDl'\ESS INCURRED n-l <br />COnSTHUCTPJG FIRE STATIONS IN THE CITY OF SAN MAitCOS l TEXJ\S ~ INCLlJDI:.!G ARCHITECT'S <br />FEE IN CONNECTION THEREWITH: AUTllORIZING THE DELIVERY OF CITY OF SAN MARCOS <br />FIRE SR~TION AND EQUIFMENT WARRANTS TO EVIDENCE SAID II{DEBTEDNESS, AND DECLARING <br />.'\N EMERGENCY. w~s DreSR!1ted to the Counc1_1 aor aop!'ovJl. a~d adoption. Aldel'r:lan <br />Hillburn made a motion that the ordinance be adopted. Ald~rman Korff sesonded <br /> <br />l <br />