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<br />80 <br />~+ <br /> <br />~ <br />Z <br />Q <br />t14 <br />~ <br /> <br />PORTIONS OF WOP STREET WHICH AilE HEREBY DECLARED TO BE ABANDONED, DISCONTINUED <br />AND CLOSED. Mr. Davis seconded the motion. A vote was taken which resulted <br />unanimously in favor of the motion. The ordinance follows these minutes and <br />becomes a part hereof. <br /> <br />Next was brought to the attention of the Council that a mower had to be <br />bought for the street department. It was brought out that the City could purchase <br />a side-mounted mower for the Ford Tractor for $430.00, with a five foot blade <br />to cut the weeds, from Mr. Lex Ward of the Hays County Implement Company, of <br />Kyle. Mr. Beecroft made a motion that they purchase this mower from the Hays <br />County Implement Company for $430.00. Mr. Word is to pick the tractor up in I <br />San Marcos, and mount this mower on same. Mr. Davis seconded the motion. A <br />vote was taken which resulted unanimOUSly in favor of the motion. <br /> <br />"'" <br /> <br />Next on the agenda was the passing of an o!:<!~[la~Ce regulating the speed of <br />traffic upon Loop 82 in the City of San Marcos. Mr.' Beecroft made a motion to <br />adopt an ordinance regulating the speed of traffic upon that portion of Water <br />Street, Colorado and Guadalupe Streets lying within the corporate limits of <br />the City of San Marcos, Hays, County, which are traversed by State Highway <br />Loop 62, through the establishment of certain maximum speeds for particular <br />sections of the said highways; defining what acts will be unlawful and fixing <br />penalties for violation of the provisions of this ordinance; and repealing all <br />ordinances and resolutions, and parts thereof, in conflict herewith. Mr. <br />Korff seconded the . motion. A vote was taken which resulted unanimously in <br />favor of the motion. The ordinance follows these minutes and becomes a part <br />hereof. <br /> <br />Mr. Jack Major then came before the Council with the problem of the <br />insanitary conditions at the Polk Estate property. It was decided that Mr. <br />Major and Mr. Burwell write to the Polk Kyle Estate and notify them what needs <br />to be done, and if they do not clean up the conditions the City will then proceed <br />to condemn the property. <br /> <br />It was also decided that a new Electrical Code should be written for the <br />City and Mr. Major was asked to mak~ a study of the code and make recommendations I. <br />at the next meeting. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beulah Jobson's drainage problem was brought to the attention of the <br />Council, and it was decided to contact Mr. McDonald of the Texas Highway Dept., <br />and ask his opinion as to just what could be done to eliminate the condition. <br /> <br />There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 P. M. <br /> <br />The foregoing and above minutes is a true and correct record of all matters <br />transpiring at the regular meeting held on April 3, 1957. <br /> <br />@/~?7 {fjl~/ <br /> <br />C. M. Alle Mayor <br /> <br />tf<t:~.1"?~ ~ <br /> <br />/ S. H. Be~croft, Aderman <br /> <br />~/ <br />B. D. H'llburn, Alderman <br /> <br />~~:~ <br />/\/ -' <br />fie rma n Korff, Ai <br />'~}/;/ '?/U <br />,y;y. /Xl <br />W. M. <br /> <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />JtuJ~ ~.L:.,.; <br />Fredericka Hopkins, City Secretary <br />