<br />regular meeting, january 13, 1964, page two,
<br />
<br />s
<br />
<br />The Mayor ordered the City Officers' Electian to be held April 7, 1964.
<br />Alderman Stakes introduced a resolution and order establishing pracedure
<br />for the City Officers' Electian, attached herewith as a part af the Minutes.
<br />Alderman Paal seconded the mation and on rall call, the fallawing vote was
<br />recorded.
<br />
<br />AYE. Moore, Pool, Ruiz, stakes.
<br />NAY. Nane
<br />
<br />Whereupon, the Mayor declared the resolutian and arder adopted.
<br />
<br />Alderman Stakes moved that the follawing Presiding Judges, Assistant I
<br />Judges and Clerks be appointed in their respective precincts, as fallaws.
<br />
<br />Precinct 10 - Library. Mrs. J.R. Tharntan, Mrs. Jack Waod,
<br />Mrs. Marion McGee and Jack Kercheville
<br />Precinct 11 - County Barn. Mrs. Henry Bales, Miss Lala Petty,
<br />Miss Rosa Nitsche and Mike Ray Guerrero
<br />Precinct 12 - Court House: Mrs. A.F. Weatherford, Mrs. Harald Gosdin,
<br />Augustin Lucia, jr. and Claudia Flores
<br />Precinct 13 - City Hall: Mrs. C.M. Waldrip, htts. Wm. Sherrill,
<br />Mrs. R.J. Pallard and Mrs. Lee Crunk
<br />
<br />Included in the mation was the pravisian that, shauld any of the clerks
<br />named nat be able to. serve, the Presiding Judge shauld be autharized to.
<br />fill the place. Alderman Ruiz secanded the motion and an roll call, the
<br />follawing vote was recorded:
<br />
<br />AYE: Maare, PaDI, Ruiz, Stokes
<br />NAY: None
<br />
<br />VfuereupDn, the Mayar declared the matiDn carried. A capy of the Order
<br />far City Officers' Electian is herewith made a part of the Minutes.
<br />
<br />It was agreed by camman cansent that the election officers be paid at
<br />the rate af $1.00 per haur, the Presiding Judge to. be paid an additianal I
<br />$2.00 far delivering the returns to. the City Secretary.
<br />
<br />The Mayar infarmed the City Cauncil that the Haustan Chranicle
<br />will put aut a special editian Dn Central Texas an Feb. 9, 1964. The
<br />Mayar stated he had been approached abaut the City Council's putting
<br />in a full page in the edition, featuring the theme,"San Marcas, clasest
<br />route to. Canyon Lake". It was braught aut that the City budget makes
<br />no. pravisian far advertising. By cammon cansent, the Council endarsed
<br />the placing by the praper groups of a full page ad in the Feb. 9, 1964
<br />issue of the Chranicle.
<br />
<br />The Mayor welcomed the members and members ex-officio. af the Citizens
<br />Committee far Camp Gary, especially Mayar Dressen af Kyle, Mayar
<br />Fergusan af Buda, and h~yor Nickells af Luling. Mr. Taylar, as chairman
<br />of the commfuttee, gave a repart af the activities af the Steering
<br />Committee since the last meeting. Mast important accamplishment was
<br />abtaining a "freeze" on equipment at Camp Gary until May 1, 1964.
<br />City Manager Fuller, Coordinatar, gave a brief repart an his trip to.
<br />WashingtDn Jan. 2-3, and his attendance at a conference in Dallas the.
<br />previaus week. Alderman Stokes tDld af a dinner meeting with Dr. R.L.
<br />Williams, af the Department of Labor, at which time the future uses
<br />of Camp Gary were explored. The out-af-town members expressed their
<br />interest in the plans for Camp Gary, and pledged their continued support.
<br />The Coordinator explained that a fesibility report would be required, I
<br />and that a team from go.vernmental agencies wo.uld be in San Marcas in
<br />February to. study the facilities and report on the suitability of
<br />Camp Gary for an Area Residential Vo.catianal Schoal, under the recently
<br />enacted PL 88-210. A number af questions were asked abaut the pas sible
<br />useS af Camp Gary by visitors, and a general discussion fallowed.
<br />
<br />LL(,
<br />