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<br />february 14, 1966 <br /> <br />page two <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />that the City of San Marcos take the necessary action <br />to provide additional city streets in order that res- <br />idents and businessmen of this area may have the same <br />two-way access to their homes and businesses as that <br />afforded individuals in other parts of the city." <br /> <br />Lloyd Pate, spokesman for the petitioners, was recognized <br />by the Mayor. Mr, Pate reiterated the causes for complaint, <br />as set forth in the petition. He gave as an added reason <br />for the request, the danger to chi Idren playing in the <br />streets that are now overtaxed with traffic in the chang- <br />ed situation. The Mayor replied that the Counci I was <br />aware of the problem, but said that he saw no possibi lity <br />in the immediate future of the City's abi lity to bui Id <br />new streets in the area. He mentioned as one reason, the <br />difficulty of securing the necessary right-of-way and/or <br />easements from property-owners. He said he had already <br />contacted one property-owner and received an unfavorable <br />reply. Mr. Serur reminded the delegation that he had gone <br />to Austin with a group of citizens to try to get two-way <br />traffic on the access roads. The Highway Department in- <br />formed the City that one-way designation was necessary <br />as a safety measure. There was lengthy discussion of the <br />matter. Alderman Tuttle proposed the following resolut- <br />ion and moved its approval: "The City Counci I of the City <br />of San Marcos respectfully requests the Texas Highway <br />Department to give consideration to changing one-way traf- <br />fic on access roads between the Seguin Highway and: the <br />Redwood overpass to two-way traffic unti I such time as <br />adequate secondary roads can be made available." The mot- <br />ion was seconded by Alderman Whittenberg. There was furth- <br />er discussion, Garland Stokes and Walter Onheiser both <br />speaking to the question. The question being called for, <br />the fol lowing vote was recorded: <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />AYE: <br />NAY: <br /> <br />Damon, Froh, Pool, Tuttle, Whittenberg <br />None <br /> <br />The Mayor declared the motion carried. <br /> <br />C.C. Holt came before the Counci I to discuss water serv- <br />ice at his newly annexed property. The Mayor stated the <br />City's policy was to extend water service only to the <br />property line. Mr. Holt eXplained that the present two- <br />inch line is inadequate to serve him and the other custom- <br />er on the I ine. He stated he felt it was unfair to ask <br />him to pay for a larger line. The matter was discussed <br />at length. The Mayor asked the City Manager to try to <br />work out a satisfactory arrangement with Mr. Holt. <br /> <br />Father Trevino, pastor of St. John's Church, came before <br />the Counci I to discuss aspects of certain problems in <br />the location of a proposed new parish church building. <br />St. John's owns 19 acreS of land adjacent to City Park. <br />It is planned to face the new church toward East Hopkins <br />Street but the City owns a strip between the church <br />property and the street, about 50 feet at'the widest, <br />narrowing to 10 feet, and 800-900 feet in length. Fr. <br />Trevino proposed that the City trade that strip for one <br />of equal size on the north side of the church's tract. <br />After discussion, the Mayor said the City Attorney would <br />be requested to give an opinion on the Counci l's abi lity <br />to trade one piece of property for another. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />~ <br />