<br />
<br />All that certain tract or parcel of land being 167.03 acres of land in the Juan M.
<br />VeramendiSurvey Number Two, Hays County, Texas and being part of that 135.169 acre
<br />tract conveyed by Cone Mills Corporation to Hays County Industrial Development Foundation
<br />and San Marcos Industrial Foundation, Inc., by deed dated June 4, 1971 and recorded
<br />in Volume 244, page 6, of the Hays County Deed Records and being part of that tract
<br />I 34.414 acres conveyed by the Hays county Industrial Development Foundation to the
<br />n Marcos Industrial Foundation, Inc., by deed dated June 23, 1971 and recorded in
<br />lume 244, page 21 of the Hays County Deed Records and being part of that 169.583
<br />acres of land conveyed by the Hays County Industrial Development Foundation, Inc., by
<br />deed dated August 29, 1973 and recorded in Volume 262, page 345 of ,the Hays County
<br />Deed Records,and including that 0.50 of an acre of land conveyed by C. C. Holt, et
<br />ux., to the San Marcos Industrial Foundation, Inc., by deed dated September 21, 1978,
<br />and recorded in Volume 316, page 387, of the Hays County Deed Records, and is more
<br />particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
<br />
<br />BEGINNING at a concrete monument found at engineer atation 741+72.6 on the northwest
<br />line of Interstate Highway 35 for the most aoutherly east corner of that 2.58' acre
<br />tract conveyed by the San Marcos Industrial Foundation, Inc., to the Lower Colorado
<br />River Authority by deed dated April 25, 1977 and recorded in Volume 295, page 228 of
<br />the Hays County Deed Records as shown on that plat numbered 386-2 prepared by James
<br />E. Byrn and Associates of San Marcos, Texas for the San Marcos Industrial Foundation,
<br />Inc., and dated September 29, 1978;
<br />
<br />THENCE leaving the Lower Colorado River Authority tract with the northwest line of
<br />Interstate Highway 35, as evidenced by concrete monument found S. 24030' W. 1531.31
<br />feet to a Highway pepartment concrete monument found at engineers station 757+03.91,
<br />
<br />THENCE continuing with the northwest line of Interstate Highway 35, S. 26048' w.
<br />1~57'75 feet to an old corner fence post for the northwest corner of that 6.6 acre
<br />ract conveyed by Jim Hartley, Trustee, to C. C. Holt by deed dated October 15, 1960
<br />nd recorded in Volume 184, page 106 of the Hays County Deed Records, and for the
<br />outheast corner of that 0.50 acre tract conveyed by the San Marcos Industrial Founda-
<br />tion, Inc., to C. C. Holt by deed dated Setpember 21, 1978 and recorded in Volume
<br />316, page 380 of the Hays County Deed Records, pass at 117.04 feet an iron pipe found
<br />for the south corner of that 34.414 acre tract conveyed by the Hays County Industrial
<br />Developlllent Foundation to the San Marcos Industrial Foundation, Inc., by deed dated
<br />June 23, 1971 and recorded in Vol\Jllle 244, page 21 of the Hays County Deed Records.
<br />
<br />THENCE leaving the northwest line of Interstate Highway 35 with northeast line of the
<br />Holt 0.50 acre tract N. 63010' W. 77.00 feet to an iron rod for an interior corner of
<br />this tract 1
<br />
<br />THENCE with t~e northwest line of the Holt 0.50 acre tract S. 38011' W. 575.71 feet
<br />to an iron pipe for the southwest corner of the 0.50 acre tract and on the northwest
<br />line of the aforereferenced Holt 6.6 acre tract 1
<br />
<br />THENCE with the northwest line of the Holt 6.6 acre tract S. 45012' W. 777.29 feet to
<br />an iron rod for an interior corner of this tract and for the north corner of that
<br />0.50 acre tract conveyed by C. C. Holt to the San Marcos Industrial Foundation, Inc.
<br />by deed dated September 21, 1978 and recorded in Volume 316, page 387 of the Hays
<br />County Deed Records,
<br />
<br />THENCE with the northeast line of the 0.50 acre tract S. 45013' E. 356.37 feet to an
<br />,- ron rod for the southeast corner of the 0.50 acre tract on the curving northwest
<br />ine of Interstate Highway 35,
<br />
<br />THENCE with a right breaking curve for the northwest line of Interstate Highway 35,
<br />said curve having the following characteristics: interior angle-00012'14'', radius~17,1,
<br />feet, arc length-60.95 feet, tangent length-30.48 feet, and a chord whose bearing is
<br />S. 34038' W. and length ill 60.95 feet to an iron pipe for the lIouthwest corner of the
<br />0.50 acre tract, said iron pipe being the east corner of that 0.50 acre tract conveyed
<br />by W. A. Voges, at UK., to W. B. ~land by deed dated July 1, 1955 and recorded in
<br />Volume 165, page 249 of the Hays County Deed Records, (SEE A'M'ACHEO)
<br />
<br />I'~
<br />