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report of 197+ charter review commission <br />page two <br />RECOMMENDATION #4 <br />Amend Article 7, to divide the duties of the current Planning and Zoning <br />Commission by setting up a separate planning body to draw up long-range <br />development plans, and a separate zoning commission which will consider only <br />rezoning requests. <br />[The Commission is not able to recommend wording for this change, since <br />several legal questions have not been resolved. Also, the city adminis- <br />tration and council may wish to set up the planning body as an integral, <br />paid, part of city staff or as an appointed civilian commission. Whichever <br />decision is taken, however, the Commission strongly recommends giving <br />this planning body specific written authority in the city charter to do <br />the things which may be required to satisfy the federal government's <br />standards under the Better Communities program, if the city has legal <br />power to do this.] <br />RECOMMENDATION #5 <br />Amend Article 8.17, Purchase Procedure, so as to raise the minimum limit for <br />mandatory competitive contract bidding from $500 to $2000. This will relieve <br />the council and administration from the unreasonable workload of dealing with <br />bids for small amounts. Recommended wording follows: <br />SECTION 8.17. Purchase Procedure. <br />[change "five hundred dollars" to "two thousand dollars."] <br />RECOMMENDATION #6 <br />Amend Section 10.02, Power to Tax, so as to remove the requirement that any <br />taxes assessed above 70% of the maximum rate go to debt service only; and <br />replacing this with a requirement that no more than 30% of the maximum tax <br />rate may go to debt service. This will prevent the city from accumulating more <br />money than it needs in the sinking fund, and will prevent the city going <br />excessively into debt. Recommended wording follows: <br />SECTION 10.02. Power to Tax. <br />[strike out everything from "but not more than 70 per cent of such <br />maximum rate," to end of section.] <br />[add in lieu of the above, "but not more than 30 per cent of such maximum <br />rate of each $100 of such assessed valuation may be levied, assessed and <br />collected for interest and sinking fund requirements, to retire any city <br />indebtedness authorized by a vote of the people."] <br />i