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178 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1976-4-R <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A SENIOR CITIZENS <br />ADVISORY BOARD, ESTABLISHING MEMBERSHIP ON SAID <br />BOARD, AND PROVIDING POLICY AND GUIDELINES FOR <br />THE OPERATION OF SAID BOARD. <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS: <br />PART 1. That there is hereby established the Senior Citizens Advisory Board, <br />which shall be composed of seven (7) citizens of the City of San Marcos, who <br />shall reside within said City and are known to be interested in the welfare <br />of senior citizens. The Director of Parks and Recreation and the Executive <br />Director of the Community Action Program shall be ex-officio members of the non-voting <br />Board. Membership on the Board shall be by appointment of the City Council, <br />and each member shall be appointed for a term of two years, except as in the <br />first instance hereinafter provided, and until their successors are appointed <br />and qualified. The City Council shall in the first instance appoint seven (7) <br />citizen members, four (4) of whom shall serve for one year, and three (3) of <br />whom shall serve for two (2) years. Initial terms shall be decided by the <br />drawing of lots by the members of the Board. Any board member who is absent <br />three consecutive meetings shall automatically be replaced by the City Council. <br />PART 2. That'the citizen members of the Board shall serve without pay, and <br />the Board shall meet for organization immediately after the effective date of <br />this Resolution establishing the Board. <br />PART 3. That the Board may adopt such rules and regulations as it deems best <br />to govern its actions, subject to the general laws of the State of Texas and <br />the ordinances and resolutions of San Marcos. <br />1 <br />PART 4. That the Board shall act in an advisory capacity to the City Council and <br />City,Manager, in the development of a program to include the health, welfare <br />and leisure time pursuits of senior citizens within the corporate limits of the <br />City. It shall be the duty of the Board to advise the City Manager and the City <br />Council concerning future plans for facility planning and programs involving <br />senior citizens. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the Board from <br />developing programs and activities consistent with the City Council policies <br />pertinent to senior citizens. <br />PART 5. That the Board shall at all times seek to promote close cooperation <br />between the City of San Marcos and all private citizens, institutions, and <br />agencies interested in the Senior Citizens programs to the end that all resources <br />within the City may be coordinated to secure the greatest degree of public <br />benefit. <br />PART 6. That this Resolution shall be effective from and after its passage. <br />PASSED AND APPROVED this <br />L' <br />ATTEST: <br />Doriss rick <br />City Secretary <br />APPROVED: <br />Tom Akins <br />City Attorney <br />12th day anuary, 1976. <br />rum <br />Emmie Craddock <br />Mayor