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EXHIBIT "A" <br /> PART I <br /> <br />BEING 22. 255 acres o£ land out of the J. M. 'Veramencii <br />Survey No. 2, H~ys County, Texas, and being 22.255 <br />acres of land out of that certain 82.35 acre tract of <br />land conve~ed by Mrs. M. E. Danlorth to D. D. Watson <br />by deed dated November 1, 1928, and recorded in <br />Volume 97 at' page 351-353 of the Hay,: County Deed <br />Rec'ords, and including that portion remaining of <br />a one acre tract conveyed by D. D. Watson, et ux to Ray <br />Kenneth Schleeter, et ux by deed dated November <br />30o 1951, recorded in Vol. 151, a%pages 39-40 of the <br />Hays County Deed Records, and which one acre <br />tract wp,~ orig'in--.1]y out of the aforesaid 82.35 acre tract <br />and which tract herein conve)red is described more <br />particularly by metes and bounds as follows:. <br /> <br />BEGINNING at a concrete ROW monument in the point of <br />intersection of the Southeast line of River Road w~th the <br />Nort. hea~t line of State Highway 80 at a flare cornei', set <br />for the West corner of the herein conveyed 22. 255 acre <br />tract; <br /> <br />THEN',C,E' with the fence, the Southeast line of River Road, <br />N. 45° 00' E. 1,168.0 feet to an iron pin and corner post set <br />for the North corner of this tract; <br /> <br />THENCE:partially with an existing, fence, S. 43° 59' E. mt <br />674.05 feet the end of ~aid fence and in all a total distance of 815.40 <br />feel to an iron pin in the center line of the Blanco l%iver, set <br />for the ]g~st corner Of this tract; <br /> <br />THENCE downstream and with the center line of the said Blanco <br />River, as follows: S. 50° 42' I%7. 63.70 feet, S. 31° 50' W. Z62.70 <br />feet, S. 38° 33' W. 267.80 feet, and S. 52° 11' W. 409.80 feet to an iron <br />pin in the Northeast line of the aforesaid State Highway DO, set <br />~or the South corner of this tract; <br /> <br />THENCE with the Northeast line of State Hil~hwa), 80 as fenced, <br />N. 62° ~9' W. 340.60 feet and N. 6]° 45' W. 447.40 feet <br />concrete monument, and thence ~ith a flare ~orner, <br />W. 118.0 feet to the place of beginning. <br /> <br /> <br />