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100 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 19 81-50 <br /> <br />AN'ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS ANNEXING TO SAID CITY A <br />CONTIGUOUS TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING APPROX- <br />IMATELY 7 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED WITHIN <br />THE EXTRATERRITORIALi JURISDICTION OF SAID <br />CITY AND LYING ADJACENT TO PRESENT CITY BOUND- <br />ARIES; EXTENDING THE'BOUNDARY LIMITS OF SAID <br />CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID TRACT; GRANTING TO <br />THE INHABITANTS OF SAID TRACT ALL THE RIGHTS <br />AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS OF SAID CITY; <br />BINDING SAID ~NHABITANTS BY ALL OF THE ACTS <br />AND ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS OF SAID <br />CITY AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Marcos, Texas, <br />provided an opportunity for all interested persons to be heard <br />at a public hearing on May 11, 1981 on the annexation by the <br />City of San Marcos, Texas of approximately 7 acres, more or <br />less, out of the J.M. Veramendi League No. 2, and being more <br />particularly described by metes and bounds as follows to-wit: <br /> <br /> BEGINNING at an old iron pipe at a corner fence post <br />on the Northeast line of a tract of land conveyed by <br />Julia T. Collier, a widow, et al, to William Warren <br />Gary by deed dated August 27, 1940, and of record in <br />Vol 121, page 18, of the Deed Records of Hays County, <br />Texas, and a Southeast corner of a tract of land con- <br />veyed by J.V. Meeks and wife, Christine Meeks, to <br />George Burdett and wife, Gladys Burdett by deed of <br />date November 13, 1958, and of record in Vol. 176, <br />pages 376-378, of the Deed Records of Hays County, Texas, <br />and the most Western corner of a tract of land conveyed <br />by John H. Bales and wife, Mary O. Bales, to Mark Riley <br />by deed of date April 15, 1903, recorded in Vol. 44, <br />pages 555-556 of the Deed Records of Hays County, and <br />the most Western corner of the tract of land hereby <br />conveyed and from which point an elm tree, 16 inches in <br />diameter, marked X, bears S. 77° 35' E, 44.6 feet and <br />another ~lm t~ee,--6 inches in d,iam~er, ma~ked X, bears <br />N. 29° 37~ E. 27.7 feet; -- <br /> <br />THENCE, with an old fence for a Southeast line of <br />the heretofore mentioned Burdett's tract of land and <br />the Northwest line of the Riley's tract of land, N. 44° <br />00' E. 680.3 feet to an iron pipe at a corner fenCe post <br />for a salient corner of the Burdett's property and the <br />most Northern corner of the Riley's tract of land and <br />from which point an elm tree, 11 inches in diameter, <br />marked X, bears S. 77° 27' W. 16.6 feet and a live oak <br />tree 6 inches in diameter, marked X, bears S. 52° 06' E. <br />47.-2 feet; -- <br /> <br />THENCE, with a fence for a Southwest line of the Burdett's <br />tract of land and the Northeast line of the Riley's tract <br />of land, S. 45° 09' E. 457.8 feet to an iron piPe at a <br />corner fence post on the Northwest right-of-way of the <br />old Post Road for the most Southeastern corner of the <br />Burdett's tract of land and the most Eastern corner of <br />the tract of land hereby conveyed; <br /> <br />THENCE, with an old fence on the Northwest right-of-way line <br />of the old Post Road and the Southeast line of the tract <br />of land hereby conveyed S. 44° 58' W. 668.6 feet to an <br />iron pipe at the Southeast face of a knackway tree, 8 <br />inches in diameter, for the most Eastern corner of the <br />heretofore mentioned Gary's tract of land and the most <br />Southern corner of the tract of land hereby conveyed; <br /> <br />THENCE, with a fence and the Northeast line of the Gary,s <br />tract of land and the Southwest line of the Riley's tract <br />of land, N. 46° 38' W. 446.5 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, <br /> <br /> <br />