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5. Invocation <br />0 Pastor Bruce Wilson, with Saint Mark's Episcopal Church. provided the invocation. <br />6. Pledge of Allegiance <br />Mayor Pro Tern Pam Couch led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. <br />7. Citizen Comments <br />Kenneth Dees, 1412 Alamo Street, reminded Council that he came before them five years ago <br />regarding students parking on Ridgewood Street. He has met with the new City Manager, and he <br />accomplished in two weeks what he has tried to do in five years. He cautioned that the street has <br />the potential to become an overflow parking lot and late night gathering place. He asked them to <br />please resolve this issue quickly. He inquired why does this have to come before Council? <br />Parks should be able to do this. Another item he wanted to bring to the Council's attention is the <br />need for visible curfew times informing when the park is open. Presently, there is only one little <br />sentence on the kiosk. Park hours should be placed at all three entrances to Chulle Canyon Park. <br />He reported that the street and entrance has been cleaned up, but he was disappointed to discover <br />that an old shack on the bird trail was also torn down. The thanked the Council for helping the <br />neighborhood. <br />8. Staff Reports <br />S There were no Staff Reports. <br />9. City Council Reports <br />There were no City Council reports. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />10. Consider approval of minutes <br />A. December 16, 2008 Special Meeting <br />B. December 16, 2008 Regular Meeting <br />C. December 29, 2008 Special Meeting <br />11. Consider adoption on second and final reading of Ordinance 2009-1, amending the <br />traffic register maintained under Section 82.067 of the San Marcos ON Code by amending <br />the speed limit of a section of Wonder World Drive (F.M. 3407) eastward beginning at IH- <br />35 to a point 0.157 miles east of Saddler Drive that point being iust east of the South Texas <br />Medical Center; and including procedural provisions. <br />12. Consider adoption on second and final reading of Ordinance 2009-2, amending Chapter <br />2, Administration, Division 2, Section 2.069 of the San Marcos City Code to provide that <br />attendance at a special meeting, workshop, or committee meeting will no longer be counted <br />• <br />RM010609 Minutes Page 2