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Commercial car wash means any permanently located or mobile car wash that <br />washes automobiles, trucks, trailers, boats and other mobile equipment for a fee. <br />Commercial vehicle washing means washing of automobiles, trucks, trailers, <br />boats, and other mobile equipment at any commercial car wash or fleet maintenance <br />facility, or at any location other than a private residence. <br />Designated weekday means the day within each calendar week for which <br />particular types of water use are allowed, based on the last number of the street address <br />for a property, as follows: <br />(1) Monday - street addresses ending with 0 or 1 <br />(2) Tuesday - street addresses ending with 2 or 3 <br />(3) Wednesday - street addresses ending with 4 or 5 <br />(4) Thursday - street addresses ending with 6 or 7 <br />(5) Friday - street addresses ending with 8 or 9 <br />Director means the director of the Public Services Department, or a person <br />designated by the director to act in his or her behalf, including the water conservation <br />coordinator. <br />Drip irrigation system means a system of fixed pipes or hoses with emitters • <br />designed to apply water to plants slowly and under pressurized conditions at or below <br />the soil surface. <br />EAA means Edwards Aquifer Authority. <br />Existing facility means a swimming pool, hot tub, aesthetic water feature or any <br />similar facility, installed during any period for which a drought response stage is not in <br />effect. <br />Existing landscape means landscaping plants and/or turf on which installation <br />was completed more than 21 days from current date. <br />Gray water means water that has previously been used in sinks, showers, bath <br />tubs and clothes washing machines. <br />Hand-held bucket means a container holding five gallons or less. <br />Hand-held hose means a hose equipped with a positive shutoff device. <br />Health and safety use means use of water for any purpose that is necessary to <br />protect human health and safety. <br />Impervious surface means a type of surface that prevents water from penetrating <br />directly into the ground. Impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, sidewalks, • <br />driveways, paved streets, and pavers or stones set with mortar. <br />2