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<br />Residence means a dwelling unit in an apartment. townhouse. duplex or other multi-familv <br />residential structure. or a single-familv residence. Residence includes the entire premises of a <br />residence. including the residence building, garage. carport. drivewav and yard, and adjacent <br />common areas. parking areas, sidewalks and streets insofar as the activity in common areas is a <br />continuation of activities inside the residence. <br /> <br />Re.<;idential area means an area: <br /> <br />( I) That is within a residential zoning district, or <br /> <br />(2) Within which. in a one-block area. a maiority of the buildings are designed or <br />used for residential purposes, such as one-familv or two-family dwellings, <br />apartments. townhomes and condominiums. <br /> <br />Verified noise complaint means a complaint of excessive noise at a residence that is verified <br />by personal observation of a police officer to constitute a violation of a state law or of anv provision <br />of this Code. <br /> <br />Sec. 34.091. Noise from motor vehicles. <br /> <br />(a) It is unlawful for any person operating or controlling a motor vehicle to operate any radio. <br />stereo receiver. compact disc plaver. cassette tape player. or other similar device in the motor vehicle <br />in such a manner that. when operated. it is: <br /> <br />(1) audible in a public place or on private propertv other than that owned or <br />occupied by the person at a distance of 30 feet or more from the vehicle, or <br /> <br />(2) causes vibration that can be felt at a distance of 30 teet or more ii'om the <br />vehicle. <br /> <br />(b) It shall be a detense to prosecution under this section that a vehicle was owned and <br />operated bv a business that. in the required and normal course of business. uses sound making <br />devices in a motor vehicle, and the sound or vibration was being made between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 <br />p.m. <br /> <br />Sec. 34.092. Nuisance. <br /> <br />It is unlawful for a person who owns. occupies. or acts as a property manager for a residence <br />to allow the residence to become or to remain a nuisance due to excessive noise. <br /> <br />Sec. 34.093. Notification. <br /> <br />(a) If a property owner or property manager registers his property with the police department. <br />then the police department will notify the property owner or property manager, byemail, of verified <br />