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<br />Article 3. Right of Access <br />Since the State is the owner of a majority of the Project site, the State will permit the Local <br />overnment or its authorized representative access to the site to perform any activities required to <br />(ecute the work. The Local Government will provide for all necessary right-of-way and utility <br />adjustments needed for performance of the work on sites not owned or to be acquired by the State. <br /> <br />Article 4. Responsibilities of the Parties <br />The Local Government acknowledges that while it is not an agent, servant, nor employee of the <br />State, it is responsible for its own acts and deeds and for those of its agents or employees during the <br />performance of the work on the Project. <br /> <br />Article 5. Document and Information Exchange <br />The Local Government agrees to deliver to the State all general notes, specifications, contract <br />provision requirements and related documentation in a Microsoft@ Word or similar document. If <br />requested by the State, the Local Government will use the State's document template. The Local <br />Government shall also provide a detailed construction time estimate including types of activities and <br />month in the format required by the State. This requirement applies whether the local entity creates <br />the documents with its own forces or by hiring a consultant or professional provider. <br /> <br />Article 7. Inspection and Conduct of Work <br />Unless otherwise specifically stated in Attachment A, Payment Provision and Work Responsibilities, <br />to this contract, the Local Government will supervise and inspect all work performed hereunder and <br />rovide such engineering inspection and testing services as may be required to ensure that the <br />roject is accomplished in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All <br />~,xrespondence and instructions to the contractor performing the work will be the sole responsibility <br />of the Local Government. Unless otherwise specifically stated in Attachment A to this contract, all <br />work will be performed in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Construction and <br />Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges adopted by the State and incorporated herein by <br />reference, or special specifications approved by the State. <br /> <br />Article 9. Maintenance <br />Upon completion of the Project, the Local Government will assume responsibility for the maintenance <br />of the completed Project unless otherwise specified in Attachment A to this agreement. <br /> <br />Article 10. Termination <br />This agreement may be terminated in the following manner: <br />. by mutual written agreement and consent of both parties; <br />. by either party upon the failure of the other party to fulfill the obligations set forth herein; <br />. by the State if it determines that the performance of the Project is not in the best interest of <br />the State. <br /> <br />Article 11. Notices <br /> <br />Revised 4/9/01 <br /> <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />