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established by the city council. <br /> <br />(b) For all counections made after March 27, 1972, each single-family residence and each <br />dwelling unit within a duplex shall be individually metered. For all connections made after <br />Jannarv 1~ 2003, each single-family residence and each dwelling unit within a duplex, triplex <br />or fourplex shall be individually metered. <br /> <br />(c) For all connections made on construction begun after January, 1. 2003. the manager of each <br />condominium, or o~vner of each apartment house, manufactured home rental community~ <br />multiple use facility or az~v residence other than those identified in subsection (b) above, shall <br />provide for the measm'ement of the quantity of water used by each individual living unit in <br />accordance with Subchapter H, Rules 291.121 - 291.127 of the Utility Re~ulations established <br />by the Texas Conunission on Environmental Quality. For this pm'pose, construction is begun <br />upon the issuance of a building penuit for the use to be served by the connection. In addition: <br /> <br /> (1) Where a single platted lot requires multiple water service connections~ service may <br />be provided by a single city master meter with private submeters, or multiple city meters. If the <br />owner or manager elects to use mnltiple city meters, the meters shall be located in the public <br />right-of-way in conformance with city design stmxdards, unless location of the meters in a <br />utility easement is specifically approved by the director of water and wastewater. <br /> <br /> (2) If private snbmeters are used, they shall be properly installed and maintained by the <br />property owner in compliance with city standards and with state laws. At the request of the <br />city, the o~vner or manager of property subiect to this subsection shall provide documentation <br />of individual usage through private submeters, or shall provide the city with access to the <br />private submeters for the calculation of fees associated with city progranas such as the <br />indnstfial pre-treatment prognnu and for verification of compliance with state laws. <br /> <br />~.) A developer who dedicates right-or-way m~d constructs water lines ora size adequate to <br /> serve an area being developed in accordance with the city's subdivision regulations is <br /> exempt from payment of the water tap fee, but must pay a water meter fee established by <br /> the city cmmcii for each city installed meter. <br /> <br />(e) h~ this section: <br /> <br /> (1) Apartment house means a building or buildings containing five or more dwelling <br />units which are ocanpied primarily for nontransient use, including a residential condominim,n <br />whether rented or owner occupied, and if a dwelling unit is rented, having rental paid at <br />intervals of one month or longer. <br /> <br /> (2) Manufactured home rental community memos a property on which spaces are <br />rented for the occupancy of manufactured homes for nontransient residential use and for which <br />rent is paid at intervals of one month or longer. <br /> <br />(3) Multiple use facility means a co~rnuercial or indnstrial pm'k, office complex or <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />