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<br />EK~; h:+ Ii <br /> <br />A part of and out of the J. M. VERAMENDI LEAGUE NO. ONE (1), in Hays <br />County, Texas, and be ing a part of the tract of O. 74 of an acre of land con- <br />veyed by and described in the deed from Melvin Wimberley and WilHe <br />Belle Wimberley, husband and wife, to Mack Wills Lester and Mary Jane <br />Lester, husband and wife, dated September 18, 1951, recorded in Volume <br />151, Pages 42-43, Hays County Deed Records, described by metes and <br />bounds as follows: <br /> <br />BEG INNING i.n the Northwest line of Old State Hi.ghway No. 2 <br />(the San Antonio-Austin Post Road), South 570 18' West 118. 65 feet <br />from the beginning point of said 0.74 of an acre tract, which said <br />beginning po int of O. 74 of an acre tract bears North 440 04' West <br />from an iron pipe for a corner in the Northeast Hne of the Robert <br />G. Fourqurean 187.3 acre tract from which a 12" Elm marked X <br />bears North 440 West 15 feet; <br /> <br />THENCE North 4P 15' West parallel to and 118. 65 feet from, the <br />Southwest s ide of a lane which leads to the res idence of Henry <br />Netherland, to the North line of said 0.74 of an acre tract; <br /> <br />THENCE withamfr:erold San Marcos and San Antonio Road (not the <br />Post Road), South 480 15' West 132.85 feet to an iron stake for <br />corner, the most northern corner of the F. M. Johnson tract; <br /> <br />THENCE South 450 East, 110.2 feet to an iron pipe in the North- <br />west Hne of Old State Highway No.2; <br /> <br />THENCE with the Northwest Hne of said Old State Highway No.2, <br />North 570 18' East 118.65 feet, to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. <br /> <br />And being the same identical real property conveyed by deed dated <br />March 8, 1952, from Mack Wills Lester and Mary Jane Lester, <br />to George W. Bertram and Luta R. Bertram, recorded in Volume <br />152, Pages 488-490, Hays County Deed Records. <br />