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<br />89 <br /> <br />special meeting <br /> <br />april 7, 1980 <br /> <br />page two <br /> <br />statement. Dr. Long stated that he was in favor of the Ordinance, but <br />was not sure it was what the community wanted. He said the Council <br />was remiss in giving the commission only 2 months to write the Ordinance <br />and that they had come up with a good Ordinance, but did not allow <br />enough time for interchange with citizens. He felt extending the dead- <br />line would be a good idea and that a series of workshops be held; that <br />if a compromise could not be reached, then it should be taken to <br />the citizens for a vote. Ada Burke said she felt the public had a right <br />to know if there is any possible conflict of interest with any members <br />of the Council, Commissions or Boards. She said a financial statementl <br />was the most important part of the Ordinance. Mr. Stokes said the <br />makeup of the Commission was not a good cross section in that independ <br />business 'WDers were not represented. He said he was for a reasonable <br />ethics code, but he would not vote for the Ordinance as it was now <br />written. Mr. Sutton said he felt Mrs. Burke had made a good presentation, <br />but that a lot of citizens and members of the Council did not know for <br />certain exactly what was to be covered by the Ordinance. Mr. Cavazos asked <br />if any financial statement could be published in the paper and the City <br />Attorney replied that-it was public information. She did say that emp~oyee <br />personnel files could possibly be considered privileged. Mr. Breihan <br />said he would like to see the Ordinance put off for several months. Mr. <br />Cavazos said he felt a disclosure statement should apply to only a limited <br />number of people. Mr. Breihan made a motion to table the Ordinance until <br />the workshop session on Tuesday, April 8, 1980. Mr. Tenorio seconded the <br />motion. Mr. Sutton asked if this meeting was to include the commission. <br />Mr. Tenorio said that that,was the reason the workshop session was being <br />called. The motion was approved unanimously. Mr. Sutton asked what <br />the legal position was if the commission did not make any compromises. The <br />City Attorney said the commission was mandated to make recommendations only <br />to the Council and that they had done this. <br /> <br />The ~1ayor introduced for consideration an Ordinance on third and final <br />reading having the following caption: <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF I <br />THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, APPROVING THE PRICE AND <br />CONDITIONS OF THE SALE BY THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS, OF ' <br />PART OF LOTS SEVEN (7) AND EIGHT (8) IN BLOCK NO. ~~O (2) <br />OF THE J. S. TRAVIS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, HAYS <br />COUNTY, TEXAS, TO ~mRVIN GILBREATH; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO <br />EXECUTE A WARRANTY DEED TO MARVIN GILBREATH; AND DECLARING <br />AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> <br />Mr. Cavazos moved to adopt the Ordinance. Mr. James seconded the motion. <br />On roll call, the following vote was recorded: <br /> <br />AYE: Breihan, Cavazos, James, Hansen, Sutton, <br />Tenorio <br />NAY: None <br /> <br />ABSTAIN: Stokes <br /> <br />At. 8:05 p.m. Mr. Tenorio moved to recess to executive session to discuss <br />personnel matters. Mr. James seconded the motlion which passed unanimously. <br />The meeting reconvened in regular session at 9:15 p.m. on motion of Mr. <br />Tenorio and second of Mr. Stokes. The Mayor reported that the City Manager <br />had outlined personnel changes he wished to make. Mr. Sutton made a motion <br />to disapprove the personnel changes. Mr. Breihan seconded the motion. <br />On roll call, the following vote was recorded: I <br /> <br />AYE: Breihan, Sutton <br /> <br />NAY: Cavazos, James, Hansen, Tenorio <br /> <br />ABSTAIN: Stokes <br /> <br />Mr. James requested budget changes related to personnel changes be given <br />at the April 14th meeting. Mr. James made a motion to that effect for <br />formal Council approval. Mr. Hansen seconded the motion which passed <br />