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the plans previously submitled to the City by Global Rock. <br /> <br /> Section 2.02. Global Rock will ensure that the reconstruction, renovation and remodeling <br />of the Building is completed by March 31, 2004. <br /> <br /> Section 2.03. Global Rock will ensure that at least five new full-tinle job equivalents are <br />crealed at the Building by December 31, 2004, and thai at leasI five full-lime job equivalents are <br />maintained at the Building during the calendar year 2005 and 2006. The requirement for the creation <br />of each "full-time.}ob equivalent" will be met by the scheduling of the new employees for at least <br />40 hours of work per week al the completed Building during at least four weeks prior to December <br />31,2004. The requirement for maintenance of each ~'full-time job equivalent" will be inet by a total <br />of 2,000 hours worked by one or more persons dur/~g the 2005 a~d 2006 caJe~dar ),ears. <br /> <br />PART 3. TERM, ABATEMENT PERIOD AND RATE OF ABATEMENT <br />Seclion 3.01. Tile existing and any real estale or ad valorem property taxes hereafter <br />imposed by the City oil 100% of the increase in the laxable value of the Building will be abaled (tile <br />"Tax Abalement') for three years if Global Rock satisfies ail of its obligations under this Agreement. <br />The tln'ee years of Tax Abalement 0he "Abalement Per/od") will be the tax years 2005, 2006 and <br />2007. <br /> <br /> Seclion 3.02. The Tax Abalement will nol include a) the value of any inventoD,, materials, <br />or other persona] property, 2) any increase in tile value of the land (after reconstruction, renovation <br />and remodeling of the Building) upon which the Building is situaled, or 3) lhe amounl of the value <br />of the Building on the tax roll in the year in which this Agreement is executed. <br /> <br /> PART 4. RECORDS AND AUDITS <br /> <br /> Section 4.01. On or before Februm5, 1 st of each year of the Abalement Period, Global Rock <br />will furnish records Io the City supporting Global Rock's tax abalement for the current lax year. <br />These records will pertain to Global Rock's compliance with this Agreement for the previous <br />calendar year. The City will evaluale the information furnished, and wilI have the right to request <br />and receive fi'om Global Rock additional information needed to help the City determine Global <br />Rock's compliance with lhis Agreement. Upon the City's verification of compliance with this <br />Agreement by Global Rock for the previous calendar year, the City will issue a tax abatement <br />ce~lificale to Global Rock validating the Tax Abalement for the current tax ),ear. <br /> <br /> Section 4.02. At all times until the City's rights to declare default against Global Rock have <br /> <br /> <br />