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<br /> 138 <br /> RESOLUTION 1998- 7q R <br /> <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br /> MARCOS, TEXAS, EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR THE EARLY <br /> ACTION PLAN OF THE CENTRAL TEXAS CLEAN AIR FORCE; <br /> AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EVALUATE AND <br /> IMPLEMENT THE EARLY ACTION PLAN; AND DECLARING AN <br /> EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> RECITALS: <br /> 1. Citizens of the City of San Marcos value clean and healthy air. <br /> 20 The City of San Marcos is dedicated to providing a clean environment for its <br /> citizens. <br /> 3. In July, 1997, the U.So Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) adopted new <br /> national ambient air quality standards for ozone, which provide greater protection for public <br /> health and welfare. <br /> 4. Ozone levels in the Austin-San Marcos area during 1995-97 exceeded the allowable <br /> concentrations under the new EPA standardo <br /> 5. Ozone at the levels experienced in the Austin-San Marcos area during 1995-97 are <br /> known to have adverse health effects especially on children and individuals with respiratory <br /> problems. <br /> 6. Actions which reduce emissions of ozone-causing pollutants may have other <br /> environmental and health benefits, such as reduced fine particulate levels and reduced <br /> emissions of greenhouse gases. <br /> 7. The City of San Marcos is a contributor to the Clean Air Force, a non-profit public- <br /> private organization dedicated to developing innovative solutions for healthy air in Central <br /> Texaso <br /> 8. The Clean Air Force has developed a flexible, voluntary, and broad based Early <br /> Action Plan that uses market incentives to encourage individuals and organizations to <br /> measurably reduce emissions of air pollutants which cause ozone. <br /> BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS: <br /> PART 1. The City of San Marcos will support the implementation of the Early <br /> Action Plan. <br /> PART 2. The City Manager, Larry D. Gilley, or his designee, is authorized to <br /> evaluate and implement cost effective measures that (1) reduce emissions of ozone- <br /> causing pollutants from facilities and equipment owned or operated by the City of San <br /> Marcos or its contractors, or (2) rely on the City's purchasing and facilities to provide <br /> incentives for others to reduce their emissions of ozone causing pollutants. The City <br /> Manager, or his designee, is also authorized to work with the Clean Air Force to publicize <br /> the Early Action Plan, publicly recognize entities that make emissions reductions under the <br /> Plan, and promote its implementation by other public and private entities in Central Texaso <br /> PART 3. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. <br />