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ORDINANCE NO. 2013-07 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN <br />MARCOS, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CITY'S 2012 -2013 BUDGET TO <br />TRANSFER $149133.50 FROM THE POLICE ASSET FORFEITURE <br />FUND FOR THE PURCHASE OF POLYGRAPH EQUIPMENT AND <br />TRAINING TO ENABLE THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO PERFORM <br />POLYGRAPH EXAMINATIONS; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE <br />DATE. <br />RECITALS: <br />1. Because of the increase in the service level for polygraph services, it is more cost <br />effective to perform these services within the police department instead of outsourcing them to a <br />private business. <br />2. The purchase of polygraph equipment and training one officer to operate the equipment <br />would allow the department to begin conducting its own polygraph examinations during major <br />investigations and also for pre - employment screening. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, <br />TEXAS: <br />SECTION 1. The City Budget Ordinance for the 2012 -2013 Fiscal Year is amended as set forth <br />in Exhibit A in order to provide funding for the purchase of polygraph equipment and to train <br />one officer to operate the equipment in the total sum of $14,133.50. <br />SECTION 2. These revisions will be incorporated into the 2012 -2013 City Budget. <br />SECTION 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, or paragraph of this ordinance is held to be <br />unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the other provisions of this <br />ordinance will continue in force if they can be given effect without the invalid portion. <br />SECTION 4. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict <br />with this ordinance are repealed. <br />SECTION 5. This ordinance will take effect immediately after its passage, approval and <br />adoption on second reading. <br />1 <br />