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<br />FIELD NOTES <br />OF <br /> <br />A tract of 1.00 acre of land and also be1ng a part of the 25.67 acre tract <br />of land ou.t of the E. Clark Su.rvey No. ll<a.d the R. B. Williams Su.rvey <br />No. 12, Bays Cou.nty, Texas, as described by deed to THOMAS F. MEADOWS, JR., <br />ETUX as recorded 1n Vol. 143, Page 673, de.dr.cords of Bays County, Texas <br />and also being a part of a 0.64 acre tract of land out of the A. w. Withers <br />Suburban Tracts, according to the, map or plå.t thereof recorded in Vol. Sl <br />(61), Pages 80...81, Bays County Deed Records, wb:lch sa1d subd1v:l$10n 16 <br />al$o a part of and out of the,E.Clark Bu.rvey No. 11, in Bays Cou.nty, <br />Texas, as described by deed to THOMAS F. MEADOWS, JR., ETUX a$ recorded <br />in Vol. 313, Page 887, records of Bays County Texas, the said 1.00 <br />acre tract contains O. acre of 0.64 acre tract, more or less, <br />and being more accurately described by metes and bounds as follows, <br />to-wit: <br /> <br />BEGINNING at an iron stake set in the southerly right-of-way line <br />of R.M. Road No. 12, for the most northerly corner of the tract herein <br />CI <br />described, said stake for reference S 76 E a distance of 57.0 <br />feet from the point of intersection between the westerly line of Tract <br />No.5 of said A. W. Withers Suburban Tracts, and the southerly right-of- <br />way of said R.M. Road No. 12; <br /> <br />. <br />THENCE along the said right-of-way line S 76 00' E a distance of <br />165.00 feet to the point of intersection of the said southerly right-of- <br />way line of R.M. Road No. 12 and westerly right-of-way line of Bisbop <br />Street for a corner of the tract d.scr1bed; <br /> <br />THENCE along the west.rly right-of-way line of said Bisbop Street <br />S 09°10' Wa distance of 200.0 a corner of the tract herein <br />described; <br /> <br />THENCE N 77°48' Wa distance of 253.75 feet to an angle point; <br /> <br />THENCE N 53'" t 101 a distance of 29.54 feet to an iron stake set <br />for the most westerly corner of tract herein described; <br /> <br />THENCE N 45°24' E a distance of 26.88 feet to an 1ron stake found <br />for tbe most southerly corner of a 0.275 acre tract as recorded in Vol. <br />182, Pages 345-348, Deed Records of said <br /> <br />THENCE along <br />a distance of 55.1 <br /> <br />easterly line of sa:ld 0.275 acre tract N 45°24' E <br />to a . Hackberry tree; <br /> <br />THENCE N 8S048' E a distance of 15.0 feet to a 5 in. L1ve Oak tree; <br /> <br />1 of 2 <br />