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<br />S. CRAIG IlOI..Ll'tlJG. INC. <br />CONSULTING ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS EXHIBIT nAil <br />.., 0 N. SE~UiN ST"EET <br />NEW 8"AUN"ItLS. TItXAS 7813GolSO.. <br /> <br />"';2"'. SOCICT., or ""O,r.SSIONA\. II:HOIN"C"S TEX"'S SU"VCYO"S ASSOCIATION <br />"M.."IC"" SOCIET., 0" CIVI\. II:NOINEI:... TII:\.II:,."ONII:'IIII&1828.S..8 <br /> <br /> <br />WATII:.. ."STII:M8 . 81:Wr.ft S"8TII:M8 . 8U80lVI.'ON8 . I.ANO "I.ANNINO . ST"EETS . O..AINAOE . 8U..VE",NO <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />FIELD NOTES <br />FOR <br /> <br />A 12.1lt3 acre tract of land out of the J. M. Veramend1 League Survey No. <br />2 and being out of the Southwes t port.ion of a tract called 22.650 acres, as <br />now found upon the ground, recorded in Volume 34lt, Pages 53-55 of the Deed <br />Records of Hays County, Texas, and being more particularly described as fõllows: <br /> <br />BEGINNING: At a bent iron pin found and reset at the intersection of the <br />Northeast line of a road,called Uhland Road, with the Southeast line of the <br />Missouri-Pacific Railroad, tor the West corner of the above referenced tract, <br />for the West corner of this tract; <br /> <br />THENCE: Along the Northwest line of the above referenced tract, on the South- <br />easterly side of the Missouri-Pacific Railroad, N 45° 25' 29" E 642.34 feet <br />to an iron pin set for a corner of the above referenced tract, for a corner <br />of this tract, said point being set at the projection of the Northeast side <br />of an existing warehouse; <br /> <br />THENCE: S 44° 50' 18" E passing the North corner of said existing warehouse <br />at 4.40 feet and continuing along the Northeast line of said existing warehouse, <br />a total distance of 57.50 feet to an iron pin set in same, for a corner of <br />this tract, said point also being in the Southeast original line of the Missouri- <br />Pacific Railroad; <br /> <br />THENCE: In a Northeasterly direction, along said Southeast original line <br />and a curve to the left, having a central angle of 00° 08' 56", a radius of <br />9436.90 feet, an arc lengtalof 2lt.54 feet, and a chord bearing and distance <br />of N 490 25' 49" E 24.54 feet to a 2" iron pipe approximately 8 feet tall <br />set in concrete found for a North corner of this tract; <br /> <br />rHENCE: S 44° 41' 17" E "729.01 feet to a 2" pipe approximat-el~ 8 feet tall <br />set in concrete found in the Northwesterly line of a road, called Mill Street, <br />for the East corner of this tract; <br /> <br />THENCE: Along said Northwesterly line, S 45° 09' 00" W 676.02 feet to an <br />iron pin found at the intersection of the Northwest line of said Mill Street <br />with the Northeast line of Uhland Road, for the South corner of th~ above <br />referenced tract, for the South corner of this tract; <br /> <br />THENCE: Along the Northeast line of Uhland Road, N .44° 02' 00" W 791.50 .""".. <br />feet to; the Point of Beginning and containing 12.143 acres of land, more O~~;"( 9.r:',i}"::--", <br />1 CO'.' ...,t.ll <br />ess. /1,-",".....1' '.;,.:-:'\ <br />I~"";'..' "'t'.: .~.."; "':':"\ <br />t',., .,,~\ 'u <br />The foregoing field ~o~es represent the res~ tso f, on-tho-ground su,.,ve.Ý";:.':I~~'.c::~':.;::~"') <br />made under my supervIsIon, Decemher 14, 1988. €- :-. ,:"",.¡ f... ..,It.:....' <br />'t...,.,.......,...'" . / <br />~ \ .,:. ':~';'1 .:f~' <br />,' '3." <br />'/ .# I '. .-~. . { ,"'" <br />'Z, ',- .,; .,~,.: ,:-,...- <br />S. Crai~ HollmiR;" '\.:'/.; ;:";..~..:\,l(;...7 <br />