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<br /> 75 <br /> ORDINANCE 1986-23 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI'IY COUNCI L OF THE CI'IY OF SAN <br /> \1ARCOS, TEXAS, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1985-107 AND <br /> SUBSTI TUTI NG THEREFOR ANOTHER ORDINANCE AMENDING SErTION <br /> 3 OF THAT ORDINANCE WHICH REGULATES AND RES'lRICTS THE <br /> IDeATION AND USE OF RJIIDINGS, STRUCTURES AND LAND, <br /> DATED JUNE 13,1984 (VOL. 66) BY ZONING 17.96 ACRES <br /> OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, OUT OF THE ROBERT CLEVER SURVEY, <br /> A-92, HAYS COUN'IY, TEXAS, BEING A IDRTION OF THAT TRACT <br /> OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED FROM ORIN A. HARRYMAN TO C.C. <br /> HUGHOON DATED NOVEMBER 3, 1950 AND RErORDED IN VOWME 148, <br /> PAGE 139, OF THE HAYS COUNTY DEED RECORDS, IDeATED ON 'IRE <br /> NOR'IHWEST SIDE OF L. B. J. DRIVE (EXTENDED) IN THE PROIDSED <br /> HUGHOON HEIGHTS ADDITION NO. 3 IN SAID CI'IY FROM <br /> "PD" (PRE-DEVEIDPMENT DISTRICT) TO "MF-2" (MULTI-FAMILY <br /> DISTRICT) AND DECLARING AN EFFErTIVE DATE. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'IY OF SAN MARCOS, TEXAS: <br /> SErTION 1. '!hat Ordinance No. 1985-107 adopted on November <br />14,1985 is hereby repealed. <br /> SErTION 2. '!hat the following described tract of real property <br />located in San Marcos, Hays County, Texas, which was classified "PD" <br />(Pre-Development District) upon its annexation to the City of San <br />Marcos on January 9, 1984, henceforth shall be zoned as "MF-2" <br />(Multi-FailQly District): <br /> BEING 17.96 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, OUT OF THE <br /> ROBERT CLEVER SURVEY, A-92, HAYS COUN'IY, TEXAS, BEING A <br /> IDRTION OF THAT TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED FROM <br /> ORIN A. HARRYMAN TO C. C. HUGHOON DATED NOVENBER 3, 1950 AND <br /> RECORDED IN VOLUME 148, PAGE 139, HAYS COUN'IY DEED <br /> RECORDS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND <br /> EOUNDS COMRJTED FROM RJBLIC RECORDS AS FDLIDWS, TO-WIT: <br /> BffiINNING at the most Northerly corner of Hughson Heights <br /> Addition No.2, a subdivision of Record in Pook 2, PaGe 171, <br /> Hays County Plat Records, for the W=st corner of the tract <br /> herein described, being on the Northwest line of the said Clever <br /> Survey the Southwest line of the said T.H.W. Forsith Survey, <br /> A-173, as fenced and used upon the ground; <br /> THENCE, leaving the said Hughson Heights Addition No.2, with <br /> the said Clever/Forsi th, N 45° 06' 08" E, 1317 .18 feet to the <br /> North corner of the said Clever Survey, the W=st corner of <br /> the John-Perry Survey, A-173, all as fenced and used on the <br /> ground, for the North corner of the tract herein described; same <br /> being on the Southwest line of the proposed extension of the <br /> North L.B.J. Drive 75 foot Right-of-Way; <br /> THENCE, with the Southwest line of the said proposed extension <br /> of North L.B.J. Drive 75 foot Right-of-Way the said Clever/Berry <br /> Survey line as fenced and used upon the ground, S 46°49' 55"E, <br /> 303.85 feet to the East corner of the tract herein described; <br /> THENCE, leaving the Clever/Perry Survey line, as fenced and used <br /> upon the ground, and the Southwest line of the said proposed <br /> extension of the North L.B.J. Drive 75 foot Right-of-Way, S 45 ° <br /> 06' 08"W, 242.43 feet, to a re-entrant corner of the tract <br /> herein described; <br /> THENCE, 844°53' 51"E, at 326.32 feet passing the Northwest line <br /> of the proposed extension of L.B. Johnson Drive as shown by the <br /> plat of the said HUGHSON HEIGHTS ADDITION NO.2 and continuinG <br /> on, in all, 386.31 feet to the East corner of the tract herein <br /> described, same being on the Southeast line of the said proposed <br /> extension of L.B. Johnson Drive; <br /> THENCE, with the Southeast line of the said proposed extension <br /> of L. B. Johnson Drive the following courses numbered (1) and <br /> ( 2) ; <br />